They say that they tried to deliver my packages but that there was no access to the house. . . that's a big fat lie! I ended driving to the post office after they neglected to deliver my really important package two times, ruining my son's birthday, and they flat out told me that they didn't even try the first time-just marked it as "Attempt Failed" and the second time I was told by the worker at the post office that, uuuuuhh, I don't know, maybe it wouldn't fit in his truck? It was just a regular sized box. After telling him "Thanks for ruining my son's &%#*& birthday", which it had! He just said "You're welcome" No sorry, no we'll try to do better next time, just a smart @&& remark. Great job guys :-(
Today we received a package that the mailman put it in our locking mail slot. The box was larger than our mail slot opening. I don’t understand why he didn’t put it in the big part of the mailbox for big packages. We had to cut the box out to get it out of our mailbox on Devonshire in Central Point
I mailed some packages to Cherry St. a few days before Christmas. To my surprise they got there in a few days....but must have been delivered to the wrong house. They got sent back to me. I checked the address, and it was correct. So how do I send it back to Oregon.? It cost almost 50.00 $ already, who pays to send it now when it was your Post Office mistake? Thank you, Deborah Smithkors
I'm really getting tired of my packages saying it was delivered and my things not being in the mailbox. Just like today... said it was in the mailbox and I go to get it and it's not there!! Get it together people. I have a f*ing business to run and need my products! I'm livid!
I'm having issues with my packages being delivered to the wrong address. I live at 2957 Larch Ave. Central Point, OR. And you keep delivering my packages to 2857 Larch Ave. We are really getting tired of the problem. Please alert your delivery people about this issue. Thanks.
I live at 698 Gilman Rd. My mail persons have always been pleasant and polite. My present mail man and the man who substitutes for him are truly great people. It is a pleasure to have them show up. (My dog agrees with me. He likes them too.
The mailman covering for Jason on E Jackson St. CARRIES A BOOMBOX INTO OFFICES BLASTING OFFENSIVE MUSIC. He is also extremely rude. Something needs to be done immediately.
Be very careful when calling IF you get through, and have a conversation with who answers if you make them angry they WILL show up at your house and yell, harass and attempt to intimidate you without bringing your package and send your package back as a passive aggressive attempt to show YOU who is boss. Very dangerous employee.
Their phone gives a constant busy signal on their phone at any time of the day you call, any amount of times you call. Seeing responses; this may not be the most effective place to leave a review.
No service! I was told I'd get a call from the manager June 6, 2016. No call was received and my calls are not answered. Meanwhile, I am not receiving mail.