I have not received my mails for this month.
Con Edison
National Grid
My water bill
My credit card statements
I have only received two statements in my mailbox this month and some junk mails flyers.
Tere are new mail man and woman and I believe they are putting my mails in someone else's mail box. I need this to stop.
I am so fed up with this saint Albans Post office. The Post office which should be delivering my mails is the one on Jamaica Avenue because my addres is hollis not Saint Albans .
The Saint Albans mail service sucks. I am fed up!
Hollis post office not delivering my mail properly. There are days when there is NO DELIVERY. Why did you take away are regular mail lady and place these people that only deliver junk mail. I had to call Con Edison and others for my bill. This has to be addressed before it gets out of hand. Thank you
My friend, Mr Gene Richardson, sent me an overnight letter that he paid 26 dollars for, so it could arrive before my birthday, never arrived. In fact it send to address in springfied gardens and I live in saint albans. The so call carrier said he my home was abandon yet someone signed for the package in Springfield Gardens. I think some one is lying and the post office should held responsible.
Lost my package by sending it to the wrong post office and then proceeded to mark it as delivered without actually delivering it. USPS is garbage and being run by incompetent imbeciles and thieves. Thanks for ruining my Christmas you lousy clowns. May God CURSE you.
Walked all the way to this post office this afternoon to purchase stamps and a money order, only to find when I arrived.
There was a sign on the door that stated that it was closed, no explanation.
I google to see why it it was closed, and it showed that it was open.
Poor service, the most they could have done was put a explanation on the sign n the door and updated, their site for this post office.
This St. Albans post office is the worst I keep getting other ppl’s mail and people are bringing me y sick that was brought to the wrong address I have to deliver other ppl’s package abs vice versa. It has gotten worse the service is deplorable. I wonder if they can read or not
So I tracked my package with USPS and it states that it was delivered, however I never received my package. My package was never delivered. Nothing was in my mailbox at all. Anytime I get deliveries its usually to my job, but this time I forgot to get it sent there. Its funny how every time a delivery goes to my home its either stolen or comes very late. Poor excuse for a post office. This location should be shut down. I am also making a better business bureau report as well. This post office is the worst there is and their employees are a bunch of thieves. Stealing packages and or lying and never delivering them to begin with. Also they don't put your packages in the mailbox, they throw the small ones right on your porch to be in plain sight of others instead of putting it in your mailbox. No concern or care for other peoples belongings.
This post office branch by no means meets the standard of the US post office! I went there last week Thursday and they actually had NO STAMPS! No explanation or excuse given just the dead face clerk and a sign in the window! UNACCEPTABLE!
It is 636 pm on 11/27/2018. I spoke with the mail carrier an hour ago that is filling in for my regular mail carrier and she told me she was going to be delivering our letter mail, 5 minutes later she was driving off without delivering our mail. I spoke with her because I have a package that was loaded for delivery today and I informed the mail carrier of this. I am very disappointed in the USPS replacement mail carriers; if they are no equip to do the job they should not have taken the job. I will be at the Saint Albans Post Office tomorrow when they open to address this. It is not acceptable for the mail not to be delivered in Saint Albans.
We live in St. Albans, Queens (11412). Whoever delivers the mail in this area obviously can not read or does not care where they deliver the mail. We constantly get mail that belongs to another address or person. We work from home and receive lots of packages, however, not from USPS - several time including yesterday - we have waited for a package and not until we go on line that we see there has been a supposed "delivery attempt" - NOT. We wind up spending more time coming to the post office to pick up packages that were not delivered. This is terrible - AND when you try to call, NO ONE picks up the phone - REALLY!. If the people you hire do not want to do their job - we are sure there are people who would love to have their jobs.
When calling this station to report that mail had not been delivered for the entire block, the telephone is not answered, when coming to the station because the phone is unanswered, the clock hands you apiece of paper with the telephone number you had been trying to call. No explanation to why you have not received a delivery in two days. I am sure this happens only in minority neighborhoods. This post office is worst than others with rude unprofessional personal.
The customer service at this station is horrific. The line is often toward the door with only one teller behind the window, while several people visibly lounge around. This is a predominantly Black neighborhood. Please understand how this looks to us- like our time and money is not important at all. This is disrespect of the highest order. This isn't what Archie Spigner fought for.