Yelm post office stopped delivering my mail and is holding it because I didn’t fill out there little post card about who lives at my address. Even though we have been there for 9 years!
They actually shut all there doors at 5:00 everyday so you can even check your mail and as someone who is busy Monday through Sunday I can’t get my mail so I have to have my friend go grab it for me and the office people are never nice and never have any respect
The way I have met most of my neighbors is by getting there whole mail box in mine and delivering it to them. This happens a couple times a week very frustrating and I'm not sure whos getting my mail or what. I get notifications of packages delivered to the parcel but no key in my box. I ask neighbors and no one has seen our package. I have reported missing packages with no response. I have tried calling several time the Yelm Post Office but all i Get is a Dial tone. or just rings. this is all during the post office working hours. I don't want to get a postal box do to the hours and cost at the Yelm post Office. Something needs to Improve with the delivery. its not that hard to get it right.
Very upset over the new box lobby hours in Yelm, After 21 years have to change my postal address because I can no longer check my mail since i cant check it on Sunday, I literally only get 1 day a week to come into town to check my mail, which is Sunday, i just drive all the way in & cant get my mail. Doubly upset cause I just renewed & got no notice of the change. I want to support the post office, but literally your access & service hours have gotten smaller & smaller & now no access? What is the point of a po box? If I had someone available to get the mail during normal business hours ti get the mail before someone could steal it, I would just have it delivered to my property. Just disappointed & really need to get my mail & I cant!
It is very upsetting to pay so much for box rent and not be able to check my mail as I work in Gig Harbor and can't get to the lobby before it closes at 6 pm.
My package says it was delivered and I haven't received it. I'm thinking it was put into wrong mail box . What is the procedure for this? I have received neighbors mail before and had returned it but I'm guessing whoever received mine kept it.
My packages keep getting held for pickup. I'm not sure why they can't deliver to my house this has never happened to me before and is very inconvenient for me as I work late days! I don't have the time to constantly go to the post office and pick up packages. The point of me ordering online and having something delivered is so that I don't have to go out and get them because I don't have the time. Very inconvenient and rude service when I did try and get my package.
The parcel boxes for mailbox cluster containing my address 18226 Park Lane SE have been broken for over 3 months. The door for the lower box is not secure. It falls out and hangs loose next to the box. The upper box lock is not secure and opens at the slightest move of the key. PLEASE FIX THESE boxes before my packages left there are stolen.
We have had numerous occasions in the recent past where we are getting no mail for two to three days. Yesterday we received our neighbors mail and we delivered it. I never did receive the wine glasses I ordered after three attempts and hours on the phone. That was 35.00. We are expecting gifts to be delivered and we are scared they won't get here. Seriously considering a post office box.
We should be receiving all first class mail by 5...not 8, 9, or later.
What is happening with the Yelm Post office? This problem needs to be resolved.
I am not sure what is going on with Saturday Mail delivery in The Pines, but on our street it is always a toss up we will get mail on the weekend. I have complained at the PO and it was good for awhile, but now it is back to "We Might" get mail. Time to hire some delivery people that can do the job, and maybe even get there before it gets dark at night, how novel that would be.
Again and again and again, our mail is miss delivered. Yesterday 6/25/18 I received a delivery notification, delivered to front porch. When I looked there was nothing there. I checked my security camera and watched the woman pull up in a small pickup and take a package next door. Yep, sure enough it was my package. How hard is it to check an address??
I swear everyone working here is on drugs, the postmaster especially. Have had packages not delivered for no reason other than laziness, envelopes that look like they might contain money usually end up "damaged by the sorting machines" and torn open, have had packages arrive at this post office, go out for delivery, and end up at post offices several towns away... if you call, the supervisor is NEVER available, and the postmaster will never return phone calls if you leave a message. I have been told this post office is under federal investigation, as they should be, because clearly there are a bunch of thieves and idiots in charge. Sign up for Informed Delivery if you are dealing with these morons so at the very least you will know if your carrier is pilfering your mail. I have never complained about any other post office ever, that is how horrible this one is.
I don't know which person it is but there is a male driver who NEVER rings the door bell to let us know we have a package, EVER. I have actually watched him walk up and put the package on the deck and then just saunter back to his truck and drive off. Could you please impress upon your employees the importance of letting people know they have something at their door?
My carrier told me they have been getting multiple complaints that the carriers are ringing the doorbell and waking up either graveyard workers or napping babies. I guess in this town you can't please anyone. I could never do there job.
• Replied to Clearwood resident
First of all ringing a door bell when package is delivered isnt a requirement by the post office. You are in control of having notifications on your phone by app for usps tracking or amazon. Carriers constantly being yelled at for ringing a doorbell if customers work at night and sleep during the day.
• Replied to Clearwood resident
Mountain Shadow homeowner.
Could we perhaps get the mail person to NOT blow her mailtruck horn repeatedly for each and every delivery? That's what a doorbell is for and IT doesn't disturb neighborhood people on swing shifts or otherwise indisposed when she decides to whang through laying on that horn for deliveries NOT at this house but everyone elses.
Beeping the horn before stepping out of the mailtruck is a post office policy for delivery person, especially for loose dogs in the neighborhood. If everyone doesnt like the horn to be honked, dont order packages. There is no postal policy on ringing the door bell when a package is delivered. If you are sleeping in on weekend or working graveyard shift, would you like to be awaken by a doorbell all the time? Didnt think so
• Replied to Mountain Shadow homeowner.
Mountain Shadow homeowner.
You don't seem to understand.
"Beeping the horn before stepping out of the truck" is not the issue addressed here.
LAYING on the horn to deliver a package is the issue instead of using the doorbell for individual homes.
LAYING on the horn to deliver a package to a home disturbs many others.
The homeowner expecting the package can at least expect to be disturbed by a doorbell since they ordered the package.
Everyone else need not be by a person laying on their horn in a postal delivery vehicle.
Get it?
• Replied to Mountain Shadow homeowner.
It is a postal policy to beep horn before coming out of mailtruck due to loose dogs in neighborhood. Sorry
• Replied to Mountain Shadow homeowner.
William Graham
Trying to find out where my package is...saidit was out for delivery today but I have not received it...
Tracking number. 9374889699090060316264
I hade 4 orders,that was not delivered to me. One order was delivered. Then the mail women decide it was the incorrect address. So they was return back to sender on my other 3 orders,. Ive waited 4 weeks to get order. Now my orders are in route back to sender!!! This is not the. First time are mail women would not deliver to me. Think she has a thing for my roommate!!!! She better not see me, cause ill have few words from me!!!! I noe have to wait till orders have return to get my money back! And i have to pay the interest on my card card!! This person that is a mail carrier needs to be fired! Like i say this not the first time she has done me wrong!!!! I'm very pissed off!!!
This is the post office in Yelm Washington 98597..
Next time you need to make sure your address is correct.
• Replied to Jody raschke
Lycan Man
I also have Never seen such nonfunctional people I have had mail never show up I had six sets of personal car plates never make it to my house and had to get the DMV involved they asked about the plates and we're told they were undeliverable so they were sent back but the DMV never got them so the sent me a letter and i got it they sent a set of blank plates they vanished and then they said for me to come get them at the DMV becsuse someone had to be taking them...
Now since December i have had over 50 items not show up the company says they don't get it as soon as the track them to the Yelm post office they then show up MIA but part of my orders make it to my house i have been credited and reordered most only for them to vanish too
Whst the hell are they doing over at that place and wtf can we do about it?
Well I get messages in my email that my school text book is on the truck for delivery and it's now 6:18 and no one on our street has got mail today. Some days we don't get mail at all it's getting really frustrating.. Especially when you are waiting for something specific...
So today we get notified that our package was delivered. I go out to check and it's not at our door, where our packages are supposed to be delivered. I walk out to our mail box and I see that the package was jammed into our mailbox and the lid was rubber banded shut( they obviously couldn't jam it all the way in since the package didn't fit)! I had to stick my arm through the small cavity it left to reach behind the package and pull it out since it was so tight that I couldn't pull it out from what was sticking out of the mail box. Are they getting lazy that they just don't care to do their job any more!?!?!?!? Just wondering.
They claimed that they left a notice for my package, because my "mail receptacle was blocked." This is completely false. There was nothing in front of my mail box, and I was home at the time they were supposedly delivering my mail. I have had important documents delivered to my neighbors mailboxes. I have never had as many problems with my mail carriers as I have with this particular post office.
A woman named Darlene is the worst person I have ever worked with. She is rude, pushy and never a pleasure to work with. She make a trip there awful. I have no issue going the the post office in McKenna and this is because of her. That place would be better off with out her.
This Post Office has to be the worst one in the entire system. The people who work here are lazy,rude and just basically non functional. If you have a Post Office Box at this location be prepared to get your mail close to noon as they seem to always be understaffed and can never have the mail in the boxrs at a reasonable time. The manager at this location is pretty much a blow hard when it comes to customer service skill's because he has none. Basically this Post Office Sucks. Moving to the Post Office in McKenna.
Whoever delivers on Bridge Road doesn't bother much to do their job correctly. We're constantly getting others mail and we had a package that was supposed to be delivered on May 28th and we still haven't seen it. I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up in someone else's mailbox. Thanks USPS for screwing us out of our hard earned money. Something needs to be done about it or I'm taking this higher up on the food chain.
Had the worst experience to date, today at the post office. The man behind the counter is really hit and miss with his attitude. I think maybe twice he has been friendly, most times not. Today he was extra condescending and snide to me in front of a full line of people. Wow. I guess they don't feel the need to provide customer service, let alone good customer service. Unreal.Just a thought - maybe the postal employees should be required to read these.
Who ever delivers mail near Fort Stevens needs to be fired. Tracking information stated that a notice was left but one was not and I have been home all day so there would not be reason to leave one anyways. They are just lazy. The one tall masculine woman who works at the front desk is always rude and has been endlessly rude to my mother. When her car was broken in to there she said that it was her problem for parking there and offered to help in to way what so ever.
I have also lived in Yelm for six years and have had nothing but problems with missing mail (just like the previous post). Each time I have called the postmaster for Yelm, they tell me it will be fixed. Heck I even have a bright pink sticker in my mailbox to ALERT the carrier (FYI it doesn't work). Today once again I have someone else's mail. One is a credit card statement. Guess I will be visiting Yelm postmaster once again on Monday. Worst mail service ever.
i have lived here for six years and for six years (4different carriers) we have had problems with missing mail, i have gotten neighbors important legal documents kids birthday cards end up missing or going to wrong house. i am currently missing a package that says it was delivared but wasn't and I was home. Lived all over and this is the worst mail ever
Not very friendly at all. Extremely curt with me over the phone when I was polite and gave all the information needed. I understand there was nothing more to do but it was my first time calling in and will probably be my last.