Customer service gal on the phone was kind; she listened and then went the extra mile in helping me with my complicated request (package delivered to the right address but the wrong address. Package was delivered to the address I had unintentionally requested in eastern Washington, the home of my mother who has passed away and who's home has since sold. I live in a different city, and I'd meant to have the package delivered to my address. There was a mistake with a default address popping up on a website I ordered from and me not noticing). Grateful, first, that Orting PO answers the phone. Grateful, second, for being directed to someone who could unravel the mess I'd inadvertently made.
my package was to be delivered on the 3rd, called and Orting post office.they said.
"We were told that they believe your package is in one of the bins that is still prepped for delivery. Her best guess was that it will arrive "in the next few days". She apologized and said that her branch has been having problems keeping up with demand. Please keep us posted on the status of your package - are hope is that it arrives before Monday. Thank you again for your patience. "
WTF is this th best customer service can do for me. it's now 10 days late.just seating in a bin, im less then 1 mile away, REALLY!!
These people are dumb ass moron's that cant even give a straight answer when you ask why a shippment that says it was 4 day shipping reaches there office in 3 days but doesnt show up for a month until you complain
just like the add says 51000 a year no experience necisary do i gotta know how to spell sign me up capt.Morgan at that kinda pay maybe you should find someone with experience for fifty one thousand maybe they could be a little more choosee are mail is important to us so when it gets
the people that ran the post office before never would have sent my stuff back i dont have all the time in the world like you people do to get shit done the rest of us have deadlines to meet and have to turn a profit not all of us work for unlimited funds of the tax payers