Granite Falls Post Office

205 E Stanley St, Granite Falls, WA 98252

Contact Numbers

Phone: 360-691-1879
Fax: 651-456-6183
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 24 hours
Tuesday 24 hours
Wednesday 24 hours
Thursday 24 hours
Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday 24 hours

Last Collection Times

Monday 4:15pm
Tuesday 4:15pm
Wednesday 4:15pm
Thursday 4:15pm
Friday 4:15pm
Saturday 11:30am
Sunday Closed

Bulk Mail Acceptance Hours

Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.

  • Bulk Mail Acceptance
  • Bulk Mail Account Balance
  • Bulk Mail New Permit
  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lot Parking

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

Lake Stevens Carrier Annex
12101 36th St NE
4.5 miles away

Lake Stevens
1709 124th Ave NE
4.8 miles away

524 N Olympic Ave
7.9 miles away

1323 Avenue D
8.1 miles away


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Moly is the usps delivery person in our area and honestly we had enough with her, this is the 20th or more that she has misplaced our package or she marks our packages as delivered and noting is delivered and that makes me wonder ... i almost feel like she is high or really bad at her job. over all we do not apperitiate her services. and i would like a discuss this with a management. what ever i do to call and get hold of someone no one answers a phone call or the voice mail machine is been off.


Terrible service. I have only lived in area for less than 2 months. Three times already I have had stuff not delivered. I check tracking info and it says that it's at the Granite Falls post office or out for delivery or the last one says to not deliver do to customer request. Really? I requested to not have packages delivered. One package was two 10mm nuts. Why do I need to go to post office to pick up. Is a 1inch by 3inch box to big for the mail box? Is it to heavy for the useless delivery driver? Or is it because none of the Granite Falls post office employees give a shit. How hard can it be to drive and read. Put the pipes down, get rid of all the crappy employees and hire grade school kids.


I live on Engebretsen Rd. Last week I had outgoing mail, with the flag up. 3 days they never picked up. I left her a note. She missed me again today. Flag was up! Is there a new rule that they don't pick up out going mail? Should I paint my flag a bright colors? My mailbox is clearly seen. I can't afford to go to town to drop off my out going mail. PLEASE ADVISE...... This can't go on. Please respond. My bills are due. You are ruining my credit! Thank you!


My mail is being returned from the Granite Falls post office! Employee/s are rejecting mail that is being delivered to my PO Box! I have Dish service telling me they are rejecting my statements which leads to me paying my bill late! Then, having to pay a late charge because I missed my payment due date. I am extremely angry with how this post office is running business. They have no right to deny mail delivery to my PO Box that I pay for!!! Please deal with the staff and hire competent employees that will do there job correctly. Apparently I'm not the only customer that is disappointed and dissatisfied with how service is handled at this location. It has been ongoing terrible service. Look into it! PS. I dont see how someone stealing mail from a post box is different from a postal carrier employee denying a customer's mail as any different! It should be handled in the same fashion! Fire them or charge them with a federal crime! It is unlawful either way.


i had two packagee that she gave to number 15 i called police and post office they also didnt wanna fire her red jeep she needs be fired becuase two messing packages how can this be right to let mail be held with stranger if nothing is done um writing to our preisdent of the united state of america


I was at Pharma-Save last week, at 12:15pm and our fabulous mail persons jeep was STILL PARKED in the back lot of the post office. Maybe if she left for her route in the morning we'd actually get our mail at a decent time! Also, I've had two neighbors report that they have seen her truck on the side of the road and her lighting a glass pipe. Good 'ole Meth head Falls


You are an idiot no one there smokes meth it might be weed. Grow up 👌🏼
• Replied to Mltdebbie


For the last several weeks my packages have been coming very late. I can see that they are out for delivery for several days but they don't show up on time. I live less then a half mile from the post office so I thought I would just get a po box to insure this doesn't continue to happen but I can't because there are none available. I know it's a stressful time of year, especially with covid and I try really hard to show patience .. but I'm very frustrated and feel very helpless. I pay for shipping and they get to drive around with my stuff for days? Then coincidentally my informed delivery system doesn't want to work?


Had a package marked as LEAVE AT FRONT DOOR (package is heat sensitive and my Mailbox is in the blazing sun. Instead I just got notification that the carrier left it in the mailbox. No customer service. And no way to make this right now my package is ruined. No accountability


If you are a customer of the USPS in Granite Falls Washington and need assistance with the VERY POOR performance of the local USPS station, please go to the National Website at and file a formal complaint. For one with family in the area that are having problems with the drivers and the agent at the post office, and are not receiving their meds because of the poor service something needs to be done in order to repair this terrible service that is paid for by the people of this community. PLEASE FILE A COMPLAINT TO THE NATIONAL WEBSITE thank you, someone who thinks they should at the very least do their JOB !!!!


Jenny the postmaster at this location should not be in charge. Today someone from a completely different neighborhood than mine kinda dropped off 3 packages that were delivered to the wrong address. That adds up to 5 packages in 1 month of just mine that have been delivered to the wrong house. When I called to let her know that her drivers need to pay better attention she instantly got defensive. So I reminded her this is not my fault or hers and I'm just trying to have a conversation to resolve this issue her response was "well don't tell me how to train my drivers" then hung up on me. When I called back she made someone else answer the phone and would not talk to me.


bad bad bad delivery etiquette here in Granite Falls Trying to see if I can post a video here about the USPS person just dropping my package right out of their hand to the porch. They don't know if there is breakable items in there or not. Not to mention that they cut through my lawn. Not that it is the greatest lawn but from a professional couriers standpoint, I don't think you're supposed to do that. use the walkways and place the parcel down with care and perhaps place it out of sight from the street as best you can to prevent theft. Turns out I cannot post a video clip. But this person jsut drops packages out of their hands like they don't care.


I live in Candy Cane Park and no mail since last Thursday 11/8/2018. I get my Diabetic test strips in the mail and the tracking number says it should have been delivered Saturday 11/10/2018. Now it just says pending delivery. And now I am out! I take insulin 4-5 times a day, I cannot give insulin without knowing where my sugars are, and I cant know that without testing using my meter which NEEDS MY TEST STRIPS!! So I dont know what the issue is but I am sure there is some kind of law which protects us citizens when the mail isnt delivered as there are laws against tampering with the mail, not delivering is quite possible a form of tampering!! I will be calling your office tomorrow and i will be picking up my mail and my life needing test strips so LOOK FOR THEM and have them ready to go!!


I live off of E Macs Loop Road and have not seen any of my mail for a few days now. Seems that my important items are missing - bank statements, bills, birthday cards etc - but I am getting junk mail randomly still. What is going on? Where is my mail being kept? Who is going to pay my late charges on the bills I am unable to send out? Where do I need to go to get my mail??? I work 8-5 M-F and your office is not even open on a Saturday. Help!


We have had multiple issues on our street (184th) with USPS carriers claiming to have "Attempted Delivery" only to have had nothing delivered. My husband is home from work every day well before the mail delivery time but they don't even attempt to deliver it. There are days that mail doesn't even get delivered at all. We have 2 neighbors that are home all the time who have nothing better to do than to watch for stuff like that. I am very frustrated right now. I wish they would hire ME to deliver because I would actually do what I get paid for which is DELIVER MAIL.

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).