Birthday card with Amazon card enclosed did NOT arrive at destination. Ashland PO does NOT answer phone and answering machine is full.
Anyone know how to make a formal complaint?
Anyone else have mail not delivered?
Tell Set (Kurk), if he doesn't stop having Freemasons harass me, then I will be forced to make all the secrets regarding myself, him, Isis, and Noah known to the world. Your not eating me this time! I plan on having a new family, one that will not lie to me... So Lucifer, Set, etc... Get off my shell! I plan on being 63 in 2043. That is it... The Father has spoken. Jesse Lee Rishel 7-2-1980. Posted on December 1st 2022 from San Luis Obispo California. P.S. Minerva's Jubilee, and Saturnelia is cancelled.
this is to let you know a formal complaint against ashland 97520 usps package so called “package delivery”
is being filed with the USPS Inspector General. TODAY.
the complaint:
“never delivered & never held at location” for more than 10 packages since mid may 2022.
never had a problem until now.
Clerk #13, rude and hurried everyone in line. I spend extra money to have my package delivered priority. The address was literally 3 minutes away from post office and was meant to be a suprise. Was never delivered and back at the postal hub.
I put my mail on hold because I was having problems getting my mail at home. Now my attorney says my letter should be here by now but the post office denies receiving it or any mail what so ever. I have never seen or heard of a post office this incompetent. I will be submitting formal complaints and suggesting new management.
this is a thank you to the carriers who come to my front door once a month. they deliver snd pick up the bag (s) that i get from the county library outreach program. i appreciate this service from both the library and USPS. please let my carriers know how much I appreciate them. thank YOU ! 🌸
USPS has been notified MULTIPLE times to bring packages to my house NOT to leave them at them in the bin down by the PO Boxes. They consistently ignore the request. They’re paid to deliver to the house yet they refuse to do their job. RIDICULOUS!
Pretty bad stuff. Hard to get anyone on the phone. My mail is repeatedly delivered to another street with the same number in the address. Sometimes it is important. But, in return I sometimes get their mail, so I guess it all evens out. NOT!
I and the other party have repeatedly complained about this, but nothing seems to change.
I suggest sending everyone out to Talent for a few months training in how to run a Post Office.
Living on East Main Street, the traffic is fast and heavy.
The mail VERY rarely comes before 5.... I just checked and often I check multiple times a night.
No one will ever answer the phone.message says memory is full enter access code... Unbelievable! Our package was way too large for a mailbox but instead of delivering it to our front door a note was left "Too large to be delivered". Terrible postal service!!!!
Every time I have tried to pick up a package (there was a slip in my box stating I had to go to the counter to pick it up), there was a line out the door. After spending 3 lunch breaks in a row to try to pick up this package, I tried calling 2 days in a row afterwards. No one answers, it just rings and rings, then a recording comes on stating memory is full, enter your access code. This is ridiculous!
Each time I waited in line to try to get the package, there was only one employee at the counter helping patrons. You could hear SEVERAL more employees in the back and none of them came up to help, despite the line being out the door, down the stairs and well into the parking lot!
I have sent multiple packages to my daughter. The ones from UPS and Fed Ex have arrived with no problem.. the last four packages that were sent through your post office say they were left in the mail box (some way too big for the mailbox) and yet they weren't there... I try to call the number listed above and it hangs up after putting me on hold. Please let me know how I can track these packages down.
We paid for a restricted delivery/signature required to have a check for a large amount of money delivered to our father-in-law. We had him leave a note in his mailbox to have the carrier bring it to his door. Instead, the carrier signed for the letter (which is against federal regulations) and left it in the mailbox. The whole point was to make sure the recipient received and signed for the check. Anyone could have walked off with the envelope. We paid $13.50 to have it sent "restricted delivery/signature" and instead got the same delivery service that a regular letter sent with a 0.55 cent stamp.
Feb 11, 2020
We are posting this because of issues with mail delivery. We have lived here, at this address, for over 30 years. About 8 years ago when I retired we changed our mail delivery to the top of Tyler Creek Road. I met with the person who was the supervisor at the time and he had to approve the move, from the bottom of Tyler Creek to the top. He approved and we placed a secured mail box in. We recently found out that our mail has to be "passed off" to another delivery person daily. There has been several issues with this plan especially when someone fills in. There must be a better way to deal with change as we have been getting mail at the top of Tyler Creek for 8 years. Recently we received a subpoena to attend a trial to deal with a car break-in that had happened in Portland. That mail was sent back after we got a picture of the mail that was coming. This can't continue as all mail is important. There was another package a few days ago that had "NMR" on it. I can't understand why the change of mailbox can not resolved. Please call to let me know that this is resolved. My phone number is below:
Lance Cullumbine
This post office has the most likeable friendly above & beyond staff I have ever met. Yes - they all have to say a dumb script to every customer everytime- so I feel for them. However they are honestly very genuine and bring a sense of small town community regardless of the stress they might face. They all deserve raises! Seriously! Thank you Ashland Post Office Staff - you ROCK!
One of the worst Post Offices ever. Hand delivered my change of address and I still haven't received any forwarded mail for 2 months. And the supervisor seemed to think that he had done everything he could do on his end, expecting me to try to figure what the issue is, huh. Worthless, the USPO needs to be privatized, typical Govt business that is absolutely the worst! No wonder they lose millions and millions in revenue, they are worthless.
Horrible service, I understand the underfunding and the stress that may come along; however, this does not dismiss one from being completely rude and uncommunicative, especially over phone. That is unprofessional. All I asked was the whereabouts of my order because it was supposed to be shipped dec. 1 (yesterday), and if I could update the address. The entire time she was trying to talk over me and having an attitude. Melisa Thank You Bye, (which is what she responded to when I asked "what is your first and last name?" And proceeded to hang up) please learn the proper etiquette when it comes to customer service. Also, cheer up because I doubt customers call to have to deal with an attitude like yours. Supervisors/Manager at USPS Ashland, Oregon please have a look into this. POOR SERVICE
Great service by Josh! My daughters birthday present was undeliverable, long story short he chased it down and made it happen. Returned my call and updated me. Nice save! Thanks!