Terrible service. On several occasions, I brought in a letter to be deposited in a PO Box at THAT specific location. I kindly ask the teller to please put it in the PO Box. Its 10 seconds of their time. Each time, they do not, instead putting the letter in general mail and it takes 5 days to be deposited in the PO Box. 5 days for a letter to go from the counter to the back where the PO Boxes are located!!! Disgraceful service on many levels. They don't have to pretend to care, but at least do your job!
Absolutely without a doubt the worst customer service I have experience or expected! I waited in line got to the counter and a nice gentleman asked me why I was shipping my box with them for 12 dollars when it would have been free at UPS. I stated I didn’t want to walk over to UPS since I just waited so long on line to get to the window. He said ok , step aside and poo Ted to the next window , and fill out the top portion of the box since here we can not tape the paper onto the box . - I say thank you and step aside to fill out my box. COVID is rampid and there is not much room in this small office so when a man came from the back and told me to Step aside bc he needs to use the space behind the window And I’m am apparently to close for COVID , (and he wasn’t helping people before this nor was going to he wanted to use the computer ) I explained I would need extra help because the pre tapped “tape on the box was ripping as I was trying to open it , he stated I was at the wrong place and to go to UPS! I said that I didn’t want to go to UPS and he started yelling at me to move away from the counters he needs to use the computer and I should go to UPS ANYWAY. Guess my money is no good there. Anyway I in return said No, the gentlemen at the other window told me I could mail out my box here and I’m filling out the nessary paperwork that goes with it he started yelling threw the tape across this floor and started yelling about “this is bull shit bla bla bla, and went into the back screaming to someone at which point a woman (lovely Eileen) came out and demanded to know “what is the problem” but it wasn’t a question because it was followed with a demand that I pick my things up and step away from the window because they can’t help me here, I apparently need to go to UPS. I told her (not so nicely at this point, that her employee said I can mail out my box from this location and the gentleman confirmed he did infact tell me this and that I actually could mail it but that it would cost me a fee? At which Eileen demanded to know why anyone would pay for a service they could get free somewhere else. I told her it was none of her business and if I wanna pay I have that right. She yells , it’s not your right anymore, and told me to leave. I told her no. I then said I still have t paid for the box I just packed my things in and I’m not going to just leave without paying at which she then instructed her employees to not service me. This obviously started with the original disgruntled power hungry And hangry outburst from the employee before her employee (hangry because all I heard him complaining about this whole time in the back yelling about how he hadn’t even had lunch this day yet) anyway, since I was using their sharpie and had not paid for the box I wrote all over I wasn’t going to just leave and possibly be accused of stealing at that point. I quickly and quietly finished what I was doing and then confirmed with the original postal worker who sent me to the 2end window in question to begin with. I said , thank you here is your sharpie back are you sure you don’t want me to pay for the box? Because I haven’t paid yet and you are the one who sent me to the window safely away from the other customers while I filled everything out. HE looked up at me and said no just take the box, it’s ok, I am so sorry , they are having a “lovers spat” it’s not you.
All I can say is so unprofessional and uncomfortable and clearly Eileen working at the same location as her boyfriend or husband isn’t a very good idea. I guess I shouldn’t have come there to spend my money , and for that I instead had to pay the price of making them work instead of having their paramour dispute in the back ?!
I am so disappointed and I’m actually embarrassed to say that I’m related to the post master so I won’t say who I am but I will definitely be having a private conversation with him at some point.... maybe. Because honestly I actually feel kind of bad even telling him what kind of nonsense is going on there. So we shall see!
I came in today to mail a package. The man at the register was on his iPhone the entire time and was completely ignoring me. I needed tape to wrap my package and he replied "you need to buy tape" then went back to his phone. I then walked out. I will never go here again. BAD!