When getting a smaller package in the mail, is it necessary for the postman to shove it in the mailbox and at times crush what is in the box such as cookies, etc.? This has happened several times and myself and other neighbors are not happy about it. Perhaps something could be mentioned to all postal workers delivering mail not to be so lazy at times and stop shoving items in the mailbox. Would they like getting crushed items in there mail!!
Please have your carrier pick up mail left in my mailbox “ it does NOT belong to me and it is crowding my mailbox! I keep leaving it for pick up and is still being left! The only mail to be left should be for LaRocca and Gallardo. I keep calling but no answer , please help
While overall the service has been satisfactory. However over the past few months mail pick-up at the mail box has been skipped when we do not have mail delivered but do have the postal pick up flag up. We use the USPS to mail many bills and a delay in the pick up could result in late fees.