Neptune Post Office

50 Neptune Blvd, Neptune, NJ 07753

Contact Numbers

Phone: 732-776-8811
Fax: 732-776-5231
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 6:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday 6:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday 6:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday 6:00am - 6:00pm
Friday 6:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday 6:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday Closed

Last Collection Times

Monday 5:00pm
Tuesday 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm
Friday 5:00pm
Saturday 3:00pm
Sunday Closed

Passport Walk-In Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 9:00am - 11:00am
Sunday Closed

Passport Appointment Hours

Monday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

  • Visit our Passport FAQ page for a complete overview of what to bring, what you need to know, and how long it will take.
  • You will need two forms of Identification with copies.
  • A passport quality photo. Available at location.
  • The appropriate application form printed and filled out, and the required fee for applying or renewing.
  • You can find up to date costs, information, and forms at the State Departments Travel Site

*Appointments are required outside of walk-in hours to apply for or renew US Passports. Please Call or schedule online.

  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Packaged Stamps
  • Passport Acceptance
  • Passport Photo
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lot Parking
  • Passport Appointment Hours

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

Neptune City
105 3rd Ave
0.5 mile away

Bradley Beach
515 Main St
0.8 mile away

Asbury Park
801 Bangs Ave
0.9 mile away

Avon by the Sea
321 Main St
0.9 mile away


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*By clicking Submit, you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.


The outgoing mail at 72 Morris Ave, Neptune City hasn't been picked up in a week, and the phone number listed on the site is never answered.


2100-7540-1011-0130 I was not able to edit my Change of address. It should read whole family not just Ray Stocki' tks


Horrible service is too nice. I have a business In Neptune when they deliver my mail at time's they hand it to an employee and never come inside to grab outgoing mail. When they do come in they put the mail on the counter and turn around and walk out never picking up the mail. At least 2-3 days a week they don't pick up my mail. Don't bother calling they don't answer or pick up and hang up ! Angry does not describe how feel.


Horrible service. Can't get anyone on the phone! They are actually picking up the phone and hanging it up refusing to talk to anyone! I have 4 packages which the tracking shows "out for delivery Ocean Grove" during the day time and then say "available for pick up" in the evening time for 4 days now. And then yesterday they changed to say "delivered" but I have not received anything. I am trying to call to get information and the refuse to help. Ocean Grove person answers but just says call Neptune or go there in person. Unable to go in person because I am a health care worker at work the entire time the post office is opened. In general have been very bad the past few months not delivering every day and packages delayed up to a week. Just terrible leaving people with no options


I live in Wall NJ . My mail comes out of Neptune . I had mail held on a friday and saturday to be delivered on monday a few weeks ago . I have informed delivery. That held mail never got delivered . No mail last week on Thursday or Saturday . I have informed delivery . That mail never arrived either . When the mail does get delivered it comes after 6 pm 6 days a week. Now the post master general states that all mail must be delivered before 5 pm and mail trucks back in the yard by closing time . Anything not delivered will be delivered the following day of the route had not been completed . Considering my daily mail comes between 6 and 7 pm 6 days a week im guesssing i have a problem.


Phone number listed for the Neptune NJ Post Office is never answered. Number given on your website is 732-776-8811. A package tracking number09274 8999 9166 4154 4641 64 was accepted by the P.O., but they say they don't have it.


The past two weeks I have been receiving other people's mail. Sometimes it is a combination of multiple homes at once. It is extremely frustrating. I cant help but wonder why???? I have been waiting on certain items to be delivered but my packages seem to keep getting lost??? Please in service your team members to learn USPS best practices on the proper mail handling and delivery procedures, Thank you


Was supposed to get a package on Saturday May 2nd, got an email saying delivery attempted failed, I was home all day Saturday, I got my mail like usual and it was not included, no one tried to deliver anything. Now I have to go pick it up, because the post office is a bunch of liars.


I was supposed to receive this package on Saturday according to the tracking information Tracking number:  9400108699937025622323 At around 3;30 PM I received several envelopes and a small package in my mail box but i did not receive this item I was looking for and I went to it's tracking as earlier it said it was out for delivery and this is what it now says ;Saturday, Dec 14, 2019 3:26 PM OCEAN GROVE , NJ Delivery Attempted - No Access to Delivery LocationSaturday, Dec 14, 2019 7:10 AM OCEAN GROVE , NJ Out for Delivery This is an outright lie by the postal carrier as they delivered other mail to me at that time and there was access to my mail box. How are the carriers allowed to keep a job when they lie about the customers like this?


Attn: Postmastrer Neptune 07753 Margaret Bangert 109 Fulham Place, Neptune, N.J. 07753 I am not receiving any Grocery Store Ads. I used to get them on Thursday but for about the last 6 months I have been missing them more than 3/4 of the time. I know that they are delivered to other areas of Neptune on a regular schedule. What happened to the Gables? Can you help me?


good morning I'll like all my mail send two the Ups in barbados my us mail address is Neptune311Westavnue259b zep code 07753 my cell phone number is1246-8203833-1246-2411836 Bridgetown UPS Barbados Unit 1, Stanley Center Haggatt Hall, St. Michael Bridgetown Barbados Tel.: 246-429-0268 Fax: 246-228-0687


Very terrible customer service... I was given the incorrect location to pick up my package... After the clerk got frustrated with me, he called for a supervisor and he was even more frustrated... Considering I stood in line for 15+ min with a toddler to only find out my sister told me to go to the post office vs UPS (which was closed) the employees seems more frustrated than me! Very rude! Glad I don't live close enough to frequent that office... The clerk was rude to an elderly woman who he assisted before me and when I told my mother about my experience she described the clerk herself and ranted about his rudeness... So I'm sure that plenty others have experienced his bad attitude... If you don't like your job (which I assume you make decent money and positive you have awesome benefits) find somewhere else to work....


My address is 43 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove. N.J. 07756 I want to remind you that I am the only person for whom mail should be delivered in my mailbox. I frequently gave back to the Ocean Grove postoffice mail that arrives at my mailbox that does not belong to me with the request to return to sender. Yesterday I tried to tell that to the mailman who was walking over my porch and delivered again mail that did not belong to me but he had earplugs in. Adriana Vink

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).