Walnut Cove Post Office

217 N Main St, Walnut Cove, NC 27052

Contact Numbers

Phone: 336-591-7380
Fax: 336-591-3985
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 24 hours
Tuesday 24 hours
Wednesday 24 hours
Thursday 24 hours
Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday Closed

Last Collection Times

Monday 4:30pm
Tuesday 4:30pm
Wednesday 4:30pm
Thursday 4:30pm
Friday 4:30pm
Saturday 12:00pm
Sunday Closed

Passport Walk-In Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:00am - 11:00am
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Passport Appointment Hours

Monday 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 11:00am
Sunday Closed

  • Visit our Passport FAQ page for a complete overview of what to bring, what you need to know, and how long it will take.
  • You will need two forms of Identification with copies.
  • A passport quality photo. Available at location.
  • The appropriate application form printed and filled out, and the required fee for applying or renewing.
  • You can find up to date costs, information, and forms at the State Departments Travel Site

*Appointments are required outside of walk-in hours to apply for or renew US Passports. Please Call 336-931-9320 or schedule online.

Bulk Mail Acceptance Hours

Monday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Thursday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

  • Bulk Mail Acceptance
  • Bulk Mail Account Balance
  • Bulk Mail New Permit
  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Packaged Stamps
  • Passport Acceptance
  • Passport Photo
  • Philatelic Services
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lobby has Copier
  • Lot Parking
  • Passport Appointment Hours

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

3188 Nc 65 Hwy W
3.3 miles away

Belews Creek
8540 Belews Creek Rd
3.6 miles away

Pine Hall
1716 Pine Hall Rd
3.8 miles away

4970 Us Highway 311 N
4.8 miles away


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I've had sooo many issues with the Walnut Cove post office, from my tracked mail being delivered to other people saying "delivered" on the tracking when it was in fact not delivered to me, the right home, to the fact that I get plenty of mail that does not belong to me either, except I either drop off the mail to the rightful owner or I give it back to the post office so they know what's happening. Not that they care to take any interest in what's going on, but I do my best to inform them of all the wrong deliveries. Over just a few short months, I've lost over $100 worth of purchased items from the internet, that was delivered elsewhere and the alleged people who got my stuff kept it, like it was free!!! Yahhh free stuff! There has not been any accountability for any of this, even though I went as far as calling the police to make a police report about my stolen items and he told me to call & inform the postal inspector, because I could not really 'prove' that it was stolen, I just didn't get it.. Not much done there with the inspector either. As a matter of fact my post man heard I called the inspector on him and he decided to really lay it into me by telling me he refuses to mail me any of my mail until my mail box gets fixed because it was too short! Imagine my surprise how many mail boxes in my town my husband & I saw as we drove around, but no notices went out to them, at least that is what some of them said when we were able to talk to them and ask them about it. The thing is they have been delivering our mail to the same mail box for over 6 years now, and it makes no difference, he had something against us now so we didn't get anymore mail delivered for over a month. We tried to fix the box ourselves but it was never good enough for him, so after several weeks I just called my landlord and asked him to get a new one. Ok so all is well that ends well except the very first time our postman had to knock on our door to deliver our larger mail, he said and I quote, "Now we're even!" This is supposed to be a government employee and yet he acted so unprofessional, and no one not one person, not even the almighty postal inspector could do a darn thing about it, at least this was our experience. I don't think he couldn't do anything about it, I believe they really wouldn't, I mean, they did what they could do and their best just was not good enough. Yes the postman won. He showed me that he could get anyway with just about anything within the work place. So now I applied for "informed delivery" in hopes that I can prove what I expect to get in my mail box, and if it does not come I'll at least be able to show them it was there to be delivered, it just was not delivered to me. Not that it will make any difference as far as the monetary amount goes for things I purchase through the web nor will I even get my mail back because who knows where it will be delivered to? But at least I can build a better defense in hopes of a better outcome should there be a next time.

*postallocations.com is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).