I have Daily Digest sent to my email every morning so I can see what is being delivered. On Monday it shows 3 pieces of mail, 1 that was very important. Only 2 were in my mail box. The piece missing is from the NCDOR, it is my Tax ID and monthly tax payment book.
the other 2 pieces of mail were in my box. I have reported it as directed on the Daily Digest that comes to my email. but I am concerned as I haven't heard a thing.
How does the post office employee take a picture of the 3 items, but only 2 get in my box and it still hasn't shown up????
Can you help me in what steps to take now. Time is of the essence as this is a Government Document that I am responsible for that ID Number being used.
we met the nicest mail lady on the beach. we stopped her and explained that we had no box, and had ordered a package, and we wanted to know what would happen to it. she took time out of a very hot day to explain how to track the package, she took our name and address and assured us that we the package came she would hold it there for us to pickup, and as long as we were tracking it, we would be able to tell when it showed up, but promised she would make a note and she would make sure it wasn't sent back. she gave us the number and address of post office so we could plug it into our phone to find the post office, she said she could get us lost going to the beach. she was so sweet and helpful, and even made sure she talked to our dogs and gave them a treat. We decided to buy the house.
I am VERY UPSET! On June 11, 2018 I came into office at 9:40 AM to have a card weighed and have proper postage put on to mail. It was 71 cents. The clerk put the butterfly stamp on and said she would put it in the mail bin. It was going to Cary, NC. Today is June 21 and it still was not delivered! The sad part is that there was a gift inside the card!!!The Supply office is the one place that I always trusted for delivery!
Rudest people ever! Never use the Post OFFFICE FOR EXPRESS DELIVERY. THEY will not deliver a signature over night to your door if you do not have a mailbox. It is no wonder these people are running the US Postal service in the ground! Fire them all and start over with people who actually want to serve the PUBLIC!
Rude postmaster and refused to give her name (ID) when requested on phone complaint of non delivery 2 times in the past few weeks. She knows she was wrong.......