Trying to get an update on a package that was tendered on October 6, 2023. Have made three attempts to make contact for assistance. It is Friday, the 13th and 7 days seems like a protracted period of time for a delivery. Please respond.
This post office and mail carriers suck!! Every day I get pictures of mail I'm supposed to recieve. Here lately I'm not getting half my mail even after I get an email with the pictures of my mail. Evidently, supervisors are to busy to address the issue as well.
Once again, USPS has let me down. How is the mail carrier going to deliver a package to my mailbox and yet not pick up the package in my mailbox that was supposed to go out for delivery today? It wasn’t a large package at all, and it should not have been missed, and yes, the flag was up. How do you put a package in my mailbox and not see that there is a package in there waiting to go out? How in the hell does that happen?
This postal branch is worthless. No one cares to answer the phone, no matter how many times you call. They are rude when you speak with them in office. They don't communicate or do their job properly. I've been dealing with a package that was supposed to be delivered 4 days ago, that no one bothered to inform me there were any issues with. I had recieved an email saying that my package was delivered, but it was not, so when my friend went to the post office to retrieve it, the said they couldn't find it. They just said it would either be on the truck out for delivery (which it was not), or sent back to the sender (which it was not). So after having my package in their possession for days, they lost it when we went to retrieve it and offered no solutions or help. These people should be fired!
I visited the downtown office to set an appointment so our new church could set up a mailbox in the right location. I was told I would be contacted. That was over 2 weeks ago. No contact.
I’ve called multiple times and the phone rings until it just stops. No answers. It’s disappointing and frustrating that something so simple has to be so complicated.
I had a package shipped from Morrow, GA on n 11/30. It arrived at the Hattiesburg distribution center on 12/1, which is supposed to be the last destination before it arrives at my local Post Office in Ovett, MS. However, the bright bulbs at the Hattiesburg distribution center sent my package to the Gulfport, MS distribution center on 12/2. The Gulfport distribution sent my package back, so it arrived back in Hattiesburg on 12/3 where it sat with no updates. On 12/9 my package arrived at the Fort Worth, TX distribution center. On 12/12 my package was sent to Irving, TX, where it remains. I get that maybe, and I do stress maybe, the pandemic may have impacted the number of employees working at each of these distribution centers, but what is the excuse for such incompetence? My package should have been delivered to me on 12/2 at the latest, after having arrived at the Hattiesburg distribution center on 12/1, the very last destination prior to arriving at my local Post Office which is a small town not too far from Hattiesburg. Instead my package has traveled to the MS coast, back to Hattiesburg, and is now in Texas. I have attempted to call the Hattiesburg, MS Post Office repeatedly over many days, but have yet gotten no answer. The ASK USPS toll free number is useless to speak to anyone, as well, but simply gives you the stock excuse of blaming the pandemic. As I said earlier, the pandemic is no excuse for such blatant incompetence. And the Post Office's claim that "we" are their priority is nonsense.
The mail carrier needs to read, sort and deliver mail to the CORRECT address. Jefferson Drive Hattiesburg, MS. 39402. The residents on this block consistently receive mail delivered incorrectly. On a constant basis the mail carrier delivers mail to us that belongs to customers located on Jamestown Rd, which is a block over.
Also, mail for Jefferson Drive is delivered to customers on Jamestown Rd. With the holidays approaching and online shopping/delivery, we are concerned that packages will not make to the accurate location. Please make the necessary advances to correct this going forward.
So, Amazon Prime transferred delivery to USPS with a delivery date of Sunday by 9p. At 10a Sunday it's marked 'out for delivery'. Checked tracking at 5p and signed up for alerts. 530p received email notice to by delivered by 3p (remember it's already 530p). 10p amazon notifies me that USPS was unable to deliver. Checked tracking and reason for not delivered was 'attempted to deliver your package at 725p but could not access the delivery location. will deliver next business day". This is an outright lie. I was in the yard watching and waiting on the delivery from 5-8p. If you didn't have the staff to deliver just say so. This is not the first time they've toted my packages around for days before actual delivery.
This has happened several times. I stayed at work late waiting around for this package to be delivered and next thing I know, I got that same message. "attempted delivery." Flat out lie. I was waiting at the front of the business.
• Replied to Invalid reason for no delivery
Wynell Lott
The worst mail delivery that I have ever had. I have not received some mail. I found some of our mail on the ground, between our mailbox and the neighbors, which is pretty far apart. The mail was wet and dirty. Our box has been found completely open, 5 or 6 times. Yesterday, I saw the mail delivered and the mail was gotten promptly. It was wet for the second time, another time the mail was soaking wet and the box was left open. I have found the box open and the lid and inside of the box, soaking wet. Also, found other people's mail in our box. Would appreciate knowing in a reasonable time, what time delivery is supposed to be. Looking forward to much better service that I know that y'all are capable of providing.
Just tried calling six times in a row. No answer. The mailman came to my apartments on Lincoln Rd today and didn’t lock the mail stations so all of the doors open and everyone has access to everyone else’s mail. Thought it would be important to let you guys know (especially since the apartment complex is closed today - Saturday). We understand you work for the Post Office, but you don’t have to ignore the phones and make us know you hate the general public. Was just trying to help you guys.
This is the worst post office period. They do not answer the phone and are not polite or nice. They can not deliver mail on time and no one will answer a phone to assist you with your lost mail that they screw up. Absolutely the worst. This place should be cleaned of employees and hire some that can provide customer service. They should also hire some one that just answers the phone
Totally agree with MailUser. Was notified a package was delivered, but it is nowhere on my property. Cannot get an answer on the phone either.
• Replied to MailUser
Stacy pollard
We just watched the mailman skip two or more streets without giving people their mail. I waited for him outside so I coukd get it but he did a u-turn back up thr street he came down which was Short 7th Hattiesburg. I share the same address as another house on the next street and I'm expecting some very important mail.
To whom it may concern I live at 5441 West 4th Street Hattiesburg Ms. 39402 & I'm expecting some important mail from my mom & a few months back she sent me something & I never received it how can I make sure whoever delivers our mail puts the mail in the correct box this has happened a few times. I applogize for bothering. Thank you.
we are having delivery problems on Anderson Road, West of Camp Shelby and W. of hwy 49 several Wednesdays there's no mail, always sales flyers impac this day and don't know what other days. we need help important papers for wife were returned to sender on two occasions.
We are having very inconsistent mail delivery. Our mail arrived last week after closing hours, 5 pm. A customers check was taken from the mailbox and altered. I believe our regular carrier was off. We must have our mail before closing each day. The substitute driver should have help on an unfamiliar route or less stops.