Supposed to have a package delivered to my house. Instead received a tracking notice that the package was not delivered because we had moved and did not leave a forwarding address. Are you kidding? this is ridiculous. Sent an email to the local post office and received an automated reply from the P.O. Manager that said they were investigating. No response back yet. I wait and wait!
I manage a business in Troy.
I am at the Troy Post 2 to 3 times a week. I waited in line for over 20 minutes this past to purchase stamps. Only one clerk on duty. NO PROBLEM. When I got to the window, the clerk said she was out of stamps. And, she had no first class stamps to Canada that I also needed. PROBLEM! Was the whole place out of postage stamps?
Was this person unwilling to get up and go to the next station for stamps as other clerks have done in the past?? Bad service.
My package was delivered to a relatives home, and not to my home (i only provided my PO BOX to the sender. Why was it re-routed to an irrelevant relatives address?
Why are we not getting mail? I know Monday feb. 15 was a holiday but the next 3 days weren’t. My sub sylvan glen was plowed out Tuesday night. We want our mail.
We have not had mail delivery since Wednesday the 25th and now I'm receiving messages from Amazon stating that USPS cannot deliver to my address. I've lived here 29 years! What gives?
Have had the same issue and same excuse given for packagea
• Replied to Why no delivery in 48085?
What happened?
Troy resident. Our neighbors are receiving our mail (more than once this week). We are receiving mail for residents in a different zip code with totally different street name and address. My confidence is shaken. Don't even try to reach the USPS by phone - lots of useless babble. Larry (see below) has it right. Many times we receive mail after 8pm. This is becoming the norm.
Our USPS in Troy is terrible. We did not get mail Wednesday due to Veteran's Day, received mail Thursday and have received nothing since. If we do get mail during the week it is usually after 8 at night. If I could find an alternate system I would use it. Why is it so bad? Do we not have sufficient workers or does no one care? I have medication that was to arrive Tuesday and it has not been delivered.
Yes i want to know why y’all got my package for pending when are y’all going to deliver me my package I need my package ASAP Tracking ID : 9302120111405151106515 my phone number is +12564853680 My address is 385 2nd Ave P.O. Box 424 Lincoln Alabama 35096 thank you
Troy Postal Services is by far one of the worst services I've ever had to deal with. This Postal Service has lost tons of our mail, hasn't picked up mail nor dropped off multiple times, and my company hasn't received Friday, Saturday, and Monday's mail as of today, 8/3/20 @ 1:40 pm. I called the office and I couldn't even understand the man who answered the main phone. I honestly couldn't understand a single word he said. If you are going to have someone answer the phone, make sure people can understand them. So annoying and frustrating.
Lost Birthday card with check enclosed. Mailed 7--21=20
Grandson did not received the card with check enclosed. Troy mailing address - Amy Bauman parent.
I ordered something from bullet safe and when i track it the order number shows its still at your office.
They said they shipped on monday.
Can you please email me some updated information.
Chad Odom
Why aren't we getting our mail on Boyd St. Some days it comes at 7-8pm. Some days not at all. I have had mail out for pick up for 3 days last week. This is roadside mail delivery. No problems with the weather. Nothing blocking the mailboxes. No excuse!
Rude, unfriendly. Noticed better attitudes with minorities. "Lost" 2 greeting cards sent to my grandchildren. I sent 4 cards out together and only 2 arrived. Have received costly magazines with the covers ripped up. Should be staffed by employees who live in the community as is the Clawson Post Office which does a much better job. More friendly and helpful attitudes there.
Not lately. Surly and rude. I waited in line for extra postage to be applied to a bday card. He stamped it with a circle. It came back to my address! Not the senders.
No accountability. Who do we complain to?
• Replied to van1van1
Stood in line for 15 minutes just to return a package to sender. A man comes from the back of the line when it was my turn. The postal worker says nothing and stands there looking stoic. What is the point of having a line if anyone can step up to the counter whenever they like. The blue drums in the lobby have been out of order for weeks. Poor service, but race has nothing to do with it. Incompetence has no color.
Horrible post office!!! Utter losers. Uneducated black people running the place. My mail gets mis-delivered too often!! Getting other neighbors' mail; not getting mine. We just got back from vacation and they seem to have lost all of our held mail. Someone either stole it or threw it away or they delivered it to the wrong home. It is killing me!! I need my bills and such and they don't even return my calls!!!
Priority envelope mailed on 1/5/18. I do this on weekly basis, my work office is in Troy. Well, as of 2pm today (1/10) it still is not delivered. Last scan shows from Deckerville, 1/5. Believe me USPS WILL PAY the $50.00. All it shows IN TRANSIT, DELAYED. Seriously, HOW BOUT WE DELAY YOUR PAYCHECK AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT!!! If you can't do the job maybe you shouldn't have the job PERIOD!!!I will add extra insurance like $200.00 + per week, and PO will Pay it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!
The staff at the Troy office are not friendly, they act like they hate their job. If they choose to work with the public they should put on their happy face a and be helpful to the customers. I was just asking them a question and they look at me like I'm stupid. It's ridiculous be thankful you have a job people!!
Wow put mail out on Sun for pick up on Mon 1/12/2016 and no pick up it is Wed night 1/1416 and yet the mailman has no gotten the letter. Worst service every
Number listed on Troy Post Office website to call for passports says not in service when you call it????? Guess thats one way to cut down on customer service!!!!!
Very bad service. The mail comes very late in the day or not at all. What on earth is happening? Troy needs to revamp its system or do some firing to the postal worker that does not do his or her Job correctly. This is not good customer service. Something needs to change and fast.
Do you think USPS's inefficiency contribute to nowadays' widespread identity theft? Read what happened to my friend and me. I was on vacation so I had my mail being on hold for ten days. When I came back to pick up the mail from my mailbox, I was shocked to find out that there's a stack of mail belonging to another household of a completely different street address, zip code and last name in my pile. From the envelope, I could tell that there 4 financial statements, a check payment, a car registration from the Secretary of State and two advertising mail. I took them back to the Troy office, waited for more than 10 minutes, trying to be a good citizen to make sure thus situation would not happen again. While I was patiently waiting for the supervisor, my friend called me and told me she was there to find out what happened to her check through mail. I told her what happened and she was shocked to find that was all her mail. The lost check was one of them. Finally, mr. David Sutton walked out. I explained what happened and shared my concern the seriousness of the mistake. He didn't offer his name and phone for us to follow up. In order to make sure that someone will follow up the matter, I demanded his name, the surpervisor's name and phone number. We had to tell him to write down our phone numbers to keep us informed. Shockingly, when my friend asked if she could have all her mail back, he didn't check if all mail were if the same address, didn't ask any ID from me friend th make sure the mail belong to her, he just casually said "Sure." How scarcely that we entrusted our important docs to them. Throughout the whole process, mr. Sutton didn't utter a word of apology or try to restore our confidence in USPS. He treated like no big deal and thought of excuses for it. I am sure it is a mistake, but a big and unacceptable one
no mail received on Iowa drive in Troy, MI on Friday May 30, 2014, Saturday May 31, 2014, and Monday June 2, 2014. This phenomenon has become a common thing recently.
We did not receive mail (my street, maybe whole neighborhood) on Friday or Saturday. This is Monday, wondering whether we get a delivery today. Roads and sidewalks clear, what is wrong. When I call the No. 248-619-1576 it tells me for my zip code to call 248-524-6945. When I call that no. it says that number is no longer working and to call 248-619-1576. Really!!! What is going on? Why can't we contact anyone? I have now been on hold for 15 minutes with the "Customer Service" no. Not what I would expect from the U.S. Postal Service.
Why no mail delivery Friday and Saturday - 2/21/2014 and 2/22???? This is crazy! Can't count on getting my mail out on time without driving it to the post office??
No delivery or pickup at my mailbox for about a week and my bills are now late. The workers at the office are all akin to the types of workers you encounter at the Secretary of State. Lazy, fat "minorities" with GED's they probably bought online. Reason #5,683,683 why the government sucks.
I have tried calling every number they give, no answers, more recordings,no help! I have not had mail since jan. 4th. It is now the 10th. I live in Troy , 15 mile and dequindre area, north/west corner. All streets are clear and sidewalks and drives are clear, have been since Monday nite on the 6th. What the hell is going on? Now you are going to raise postage .003 at the end of the month? Get your act together and work on your customer service
Been trying to contact post office and it is a joke. Haven't had any service since Saturday Jan. 4th. Don't know what the problem is but other cities in the area have been able to deliver. This is Thurs. January 9th.
• Replied to Another Frustrated resident
Frustrated in Troy
No mail delivery since Saturday. This is Thursday. After many attempts to call, someone picked up the phone after countless rings "accidentally" while trying to make an internal call. Cannot even guarantee mail delivery today! Says they are working on the problem. When asked what the problem is says," I am sorry I don't have an answer for you."
I moved to Troy a year ago and I don't been know where to begin with my complaints. Sent christmas cards out last year that kept coming back saying wrong address and they weren't the wrong address. I finally took them to the clawson post office and they were able to send them. Last February I received a Christmas card in the mail that was post marked back in December. My mail continues to arrive between 5-7PM. Now, no mail at all for THREE days. Get it together.
On the phone with the Troy Post Offices right now where I was greeted by a machine that told me to call 248-524-6945 if I live in 48083, 48084 or 48085 for service. Guess what! According to the recording this is not a good phone number. Called the main post office again where I finally got to a mesage that told me to hold for an attendant. Well it rang 50 times and no attendant! We have not received any mail in 3 days now and though the recording claims they are open until 7 I can't get an answer. What happended to "Through wind and rain and sleet and snow"? Service is non-exsistent! No wonder so many people use online delivery and email. All this and they keep raising prices. Our mail too now comes well after five on a normal day and now none for 3 days. I see I'll have to figure out how to have things sent to me by computer delivery. Shame on the post office :~(
Within the past few months, mail arrives later and later - post 5 p.m.... until yesterday 12/4/2013 when it didn't arrive at all! Attempts to reach the PO have been futile. Really concerned with service.... but don't know where to turn. Any ideas? Zip code 48098-1766 - Troy - Houghten St. - S. Blvd. and Livernois area.
Here it is 70+ degrees with clear weather and no mail. I put out mail to be delivered at 7:00 a.m and it is still there in my mail box on the curb. Apparently, the help doesn't report for work.