New Castle Post Office

501 Delaware St, New Castle, DE 19720

Contact Numbers

Phone: 302-328-6472
Fax: 302-328-8307
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 7:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday Closed

Last Collection Times

Monday 5:00pm
Tuesday 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm
Friday 5:00pm
Saturday 3:30pm
Sunday Closed

*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.

  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Packaged Stamps
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Street Parking

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

105 Johnson Way
0.8 mile away

Wilmington Box
147 Quigley Blvd
1.4 miles away

100 McMullen Ave
1.4 miles away

220 S Broadway
2.1 miles away


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I am just trying to get my package sent to me. My tracking number shows it was sent to the the New Castle, De post office instead of my address in WI. No one will take my calls. I’d just like my package.


#9505513445162347992459 tracking number for package that the USPS site tells me was delivered Sat. 12/17/2022 @ 5:23pm has not been delivered. I am at Naamans Drive Claymont. It was sent Priority mail from Parrish FL on 12/13/2022. What do I or the sender do now?


My address is 807 the mail person keeps putting other people's mail in my box I'm a senior citizen and I can not take it to who it belongs to. Today I received two letters for 608 please ask the mail person to get some glasses or pay closer attention Sorry for any inconvenience


Hi, my package was delivered at a place that was already closed. It say handed over to a person. Now no one knows who took it. Tracking number 9505 5126 8632 2141 6231 73


Hello.. My package 9261290272932553330940 was delivered to local post office on February 22nd, but was not delivered to the final adress. I contacted Usps via Twitter, but they say the package is not in their system. Could you please help with this issue?


Hello! My package with track number 9505515221512032351539, which, according to the tracking data provided, was delivered on February 04. has not actually arrived at its destination so far. Thanks.


I have had a package reported to be sitting at the New Castle DE post office for at least the past five days ... but no indication that it has ever been delivered. The tracking number is: EJ907583858US. This package made it all the way to New Castle DE from Miamisburg, Ohio. It was originally shipped Priority Mail Express. That cost me $32 in postage. The final destination for the package is P.O. Box 12006, Wilmington, Delaware. Can anybody help me unravel this mess and find the package or finally get it delivered?


Hello! My package with track number 9405508205497761563222, which, according to the tracking data provided, was delivered on Thursday (November 18) has not actually arrived at its destination so far. The status "delivered" is false, the package has not actually arrived, but it is very much expected !!! Please urgently deliver the parcel 9405508205497761563222 to the specified address!


Hello! My parcel number 9405508205497761563222 was never delivered to the specified address: Nataliya Kuzmenko 26A Parkway Circle, CO EasyXpress 72057 New Castle, DE 19720-4077 United States. If this package is not delivered in the near future, I will file a claim with the USPS General Postal Service, and if the situation is not resolved, I will have to contact the Universal Postal Union.
• Replied to Nataliya Kuzmenko


I have package missing for 9505515998821286439296 and 940551120206115065371. Both have status shows that the package was picked up at the post office at 11:12pm!!!!! which is impossible. Both already out for delivery. and then update as picked up. I use forward mail service from Globalshopaholic (19720) and they dont have picking up service. They confirmed to me that they have not received this two packages. Could you please find the package for me? It supposed to deliver at the company on Monday Oct. 18th. It is really important to me. Please understand. My contact is


hellp my package is missed at 19720 message me at this mail please


9400111202537447891956 Missing package. Please help me .


مرحبا ايها الضابط 4201972092748909900774583074417691 رقم التتبع ارجوك ارسل الطرد الى عنوانه لماذا التاخير ارجوك


Hello Can you help ? Did you receive the trakking 940010820549644350. My warehouse in Delaware informed that didnt receive this trakking number.


Good afternoon officer, We have missing package w/tr# ES10014107760160001010001B0N Shown as delivered, but not received by my PO at:Anar Suleymanov Address Line1:18 Boulden CIR STE 2 Address Line2:A126528 CAMEX LLC New castle, Delaware, United States, 19720-3494 Could you, please, provide me any proof of delivery, so I can clarify situation with my PO. Thanks in advance


I live in Wynthorpe community. I recently was getting work done to my driveway and the other day I had to back my car infront of neighbors house about 12:30 in afternoon because concrete truck was delivering. I was called by my neighbor and that the carrier said She would not deliver mail because part of my little Kia was infront of mailbox for that brief period of time so she drove by and refuse to deliver. To further add insult was told it was against the law! All my car was blocking was the fact that she would have had to get out of her truck and reach one inch and deliver my neighbor’s mail. What is against the law is when a carrier decides to HOLD MAIL and not deliver because it would require her to get out of her truck and reach a couple inches and put mail in box. It is not like the box was blocked and she couldnt get to it or even see it at all or she would have to walk down the street. This is UNACCEPTABLE and I want to find documentation that would justify this “law”.


I ordered two books of stamps by mail on Dec 3, 2020. My check in the amount of $22.00 have been cashed but have not received the stamps as of this date Jan 21, 2021. Please let me know if you mailed my stamps yet. Thanks


I placed an order on 11/29 and the delivery date was 12/4. I didn't receive it I decided (which was WRONG TODO) to wait til Saturday. Still nothing so I called the Vendor they said it was delivered on 12/4 around 3:52pm. I went to the reception desk and there were boxes and mail there but NOT MINE. SO I'M EXTREMELY PISSED OFF. I can't even call you because you're closed I thought you were open til 5pm on Saturday (I'm wrong). So I have to wait an additional 2 more days to talk to you to find out where my order was delivered to. I've never had a problem receiving my mail in the 2 years I've lived here. Clarissa the Supervisor of the Company I placed the order from told me that the mail carrier left it in the mailbox (we don't have a mailbox) & she also said someone signed for it. Now how can someone sign for it if they put it in the mailbox?? Doesn't make any sense to me, none at all. I'd LOVE to KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S UP!!


missing package tracking number 4201972692612927005455000018017460 do you where my package is located?


Good afternoon, officer! We have a parcel with delivery № LY382009280CN Shown as not delivered 7pm customer works up to 5pm address 18 Boulden CIR STE 2, A132407 CAMEX LLC, New Castle, Delaware, United States, 19720-3494 Could you please help me deliver up to 5pm ... Sunday resurrection customer does not work Thanks in advance Asif Bayramov regards


9405508205497760211155 9405508205496370761401 9405510202079442111791 officer, please help search and reliver these 3 packages again, during working days. thx


Got to the new castle post office at 4:00 PM and they were already closed!!! Then they wonder why the orange clown wants to get rid of the post offices!!! The only one doing the work is the carriers!!! The ones at the offices are doing nothing!!!


where is my parcel ????????? Deliveries from China may be delayed. Shipped Step 1 - Completed - Shipped Thu, Jul 2Thu, Jul 2 In transit Step 2 - Exception - In transit Out for delivery Step 3 - Upcoming - Out for delivery Estimated delivery Step 4 - Upcoming - Estimated delivery Tue, Aug 25Tue, Aug 25 Tracking details SpeedPAK tracking #ES10009047226840001010001G0N Jul 13, 2020 9:55am Shipment Acceptance at Post Office NEW CASTLE, DE 19720 Jul 10, 2020 1:36am Destination DC arrival EDGEWOOD, NY 11717


One of your Carriers is stealing my mail and I have not been able to get in contact with anybody


Unless you have it on video and your not a head case you have nothing .
• Replied to Desiree Cuff


Good afternoon officer, We have missing package w/tr# 4201972092748927005455000007533380 Shown as delivered, but not received by my PO at 18 Boulden CIR STE 2, A106274 CAMEX LLC, New castle, Delaware, United States, 19720-3494 Could you, please, provide me any proof of delivery, so I can clarify situation with my PO. Thanks in advance Rauf Khanlarov Regards


They are probably walking off the job after signing in like they did in the early 90s
• Replied to Rauf


missing packadge tracking number is USPS LW985712131CN it says it was delverd a few days ago however im still waitting now what do i do

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).