A package of mine (Tracking #: 92612903217701571016175245) says that one of your employees delivered it to my address on my front porch/door. & It WAS NOT, one of your "holiday workers" delivered my package to the wrong address (that was verified by GPS).
Just last week, one of your employees delivered one of my neighbors' packages to my house with some of my other packages... packages were left outside in the rain on my front porch steps. I understand that you all have "holiday" workers, but they should be trained to deliver packages with respect as they would want theirs's delivered. & They need to pay attention to detail. Mine & one of my neighbor's address numbers are very close.
The "holiday workers" that you have hired give our regular mail carrier(s) a bad name & it's not their fault.
Jacksonville PO is very neglectfull, I sent a birthday card to my grandson last friday 7/22/22, and he still has not received it. Granted i put wrong house number 262 and it was suppose to be 260. They do receive items there een with wrong number. This is unacceptable. Especially it came from Florida.
I am thankful for my postal workers . Rain sleet or snow . They are not perfect , who is ? Who else works under the conditions they do ? They deserve their pay and deserve a Pat on the back and thanks .
On 12-5 2018 a package for Christmas was suppose to be delivered usually the one that usually brings my packages usually leaves them on back porch, said they tried to deliver well didn’t fine no pink card telling me to pick up at post office! That was gift for granddaughter, thanks for nothing
I took the day off because I was having a package delivered to my house. Rush postage so I could get it today. I was home all evening and the postal person made no attempt to leave the package, no horn blowing, no door bell ringing nothing...yet for some stupid reason....as several times before...she made no attempt to deliver my package. NO wonder the postal service is in such turmoil. She was just to lazy to either get out of her vehicle, or stick the package in my mail box or lay it on the porch it was not that big a package. I have railing and a gate on my porch, just so packages can be left without the neighbors dogs running off with my packages. It also keeps anyone from seeing packages from the street. (( Strange on several occasions she has left my packages laying in the yard when all she has to do is lay it over the short gate on the porch)). I need this package delivered on time ...I had to pay for postage to get it delivered...so make your employees do their jobs, or hire competent people who will!!
I live next to the post office, and work from home. Virtually every time I receive a package or letter that requires a signature, the carrier puts a notice in my mail box and I have to come to the post office the next day to pick up the item. I've spoken to the customer service person working the counter three times about this, and have even suggested that the carrier can leave my item at the post office, instead of on his truck, so that I can walk over to the post office and pick up the package the same day - versus having to wait until the next day to get my package. One time, they must have called the carrier because he came back to my house to deliver the package. I work from home and my wife is a house wife. We are almost always home. The carrier never comes to the door to try to deliver the package. I have to wait a day to pick up my package virtually every time.