Rhoadesville Post Office

25433 Lafayette Dr, Rhoadesville, VA 22542

Contact Numbers

Phone: 540-854-4491
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Tuesday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Wednesday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Thursday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Friday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 4:15pm
Saturday 8:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed

Last Collection Times

Monday 4:15pm
Tuesday 4:15pm
Wednesday 4:15pm
Thursday 4:15pm
Friday 4:15pm
Saturday 11:45am
Sunday Closed

Passport Walk-In Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:15am - 12:15pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Passport Appointment Hours

Monday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Tuesday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Wednesday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Thursday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Friday 9:15am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

  • Visit our Passport FAQ page for a complete overview of what to bring, what you need to know, and how long it will take.
  • You will need two forms of Identification with copies.
  • A passport quality photo. Available at location.
  • The appropriate application form printed and filled out, and the required fee for applying or renewing.
  • You can find up to date costs, information, and forms at the State Departments Travel Site

*Appointments are required outside of walk-in hours to apply for or renew US Passports. Please Call or schedule online.

  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Packaged Stamps
  • Passport Acceptance
  • Passport Photo
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lot Parking
  • Passport Appointment Hours

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

23209 Village Rd
1.8 miles away

9767 Locust Dale Rd
5.8 miles away

11320 Mitchell Rd
6.1 miles away

23395 Lignum Rd
7.0 miles away


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In the last week of the year 2020, incoming mail was really slow, about 1-1/2weeks behind. I assume this is because of heavy volume during the Holiday season. This cuts some payment of bills really close for those who still use mailed checks. In my case I received a bill (2) days before it was due. If the mail is as slow going as it was coming, that payment might not get there on time. On Saturday Jan 2nd, 2012, it appears that the mail did not run at all. My posted mail is still in the mailbox, flag up. What's going on?

*postallocations.com is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).