So many complaints yet no one bothers to go and request to shadow a carrier and see what goes on behind the scene. So many join and about 90 percent quit because of the pressure mounting from everywhere.
I sent a letter from Plano to Arlington. Its been 10 days and still has not been delivered. Tried to call the post office at 817-543-8413. rend several times and shut off. no answer. Worse than 3rd world counry's mail system !
why is our mail not being delivered daily, we never know when we will get mail. CALL FOR ANSWERS AND KNOW ONE WILL RETURN PHONE AS TO WHY WE CAN NOT GET OUR MAIL. SOUND LIKE A COVER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't know if we have new mailman or what but for two days in a row now, we've received someone else's mail and did not receive any mail. I think somebody needs to PAY ATTENTION to this situation. Some people could be waiting for something important in the mail.
RE: Arlington Tx Bardin Rd Station: We have had our mail MISHANDLED for over a YEAR and delivered to the wrong address on our street! Yes I have made multiple phone calls and wrote a complaint, even went as far as to temporarily transfer our mail to a rented P O Box at another station for 6 months at my own expense! Yet afterwards, mail continues to be delivered one house number OFF all the way down the street! Unfortunately our mail has never shown up! Not only is this station packed and has slow window service, they care NOT to followup on mis-delivered mail!I even spoke to a carrier face to face at my curb box, he said they are very careful, and handed me mail FOR THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR! I never even received an apology! Horrible and ILLEGAL delivery of mail from this Bardin Rd Sation!