York Post Office

909 Liberty St E, York, SC 29745

Contact Numbers

Phone: 803-684-7865
Fax: 803-684-6298
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 24 hours
Tuesday 24 hours
Wednesday 24 hours
Thursday 24 hours
Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday 24 hours

Last Collection Times

Monday 5:00pm
Tuesday 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm
Friday 5:00pm
Saturday 3:00pm
Sunday Closed

Bulk Mail Acceptance Hours

Monday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 12:00pm
Thursday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.

  • Bulk Mail Acceptance
  • Bulk Mail Account Balance
  • Bulk Mail New Permit
  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lobby has Copier
  • Lot Parking

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

Mc Connells
4182 Chester Hwy
4.8 miles away

913 Bethel St
4.8 miles away

3311 N York St
5.2 miles away

2191 Ebenezer Rd
6.5 miles away


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I drove on the loop today to mail my stamped letter and was shocked that the mailboxes have been removed! I am handicapped and could not remove my walker from my car, walk inside, and replace my walker to mail one simple letter. What an inconvenience! I had to drive to Clover to mail a letter.


I am not receiving any mail, I have lived here over a month and have not received a water bill or electric bill or any mail that i know has been sent from other areas?


My mail carrier constantly skips days and is inconsistent on times of delivery in the Carolina Downs community. It seems friday is the day most often skipped. This is bad since i have paychecks that come on fridays and have to wait until monday to deposit them. Sometimes this carrier also will come as early as 8 am and sometimes as late as 7 pm. I also get the old owners mail constantly even though ive requested multiple times that they stop delivering it.


The door at this office are not working properly. I have been getting mail there five years an one or two haven’t worked that long. I asked the clerk above getting then fixed she said they haven’t work for 10 years. It is hard when you have to push the door with a cane and hold mail. Could you check into it. Thanks Gary cooper


Where is my mail ??? I have been waiting on a Birthday card since the first of January. There was a gift card in it. Are the employees stealing our mail ? Can we trust you anymore???


The green car and gold car that deliver the mail down Nottingham drive in York go 40 mph down a dead end neighborhood road where kids play!! I’m sick and tired of no regard for others and then speeding just to get their day overwith!! If it continues i will file a complaint with PD


I have never had a problem with my mail carrier. She is awesome!! I had a different mail carrier and as I was in the house, I heard a horn blow. I thought immediately it was my mail carrier. I went to the door and seen the mail carrier at the mailbox. I thought, well it is not her and I looked in my drive way to see who it was; no one there. I checked my mail later and found a slip "cannot deliver because of dog." Yes, my girls were outside but she didn't even give me time to get to the door, which I immediately went when I heard the horn. We checked our outside cameras and she didn't drive off the asphalt because our camera's never activated. I wasn't going to be home the next day, so I left a nice note in the mailbox that the girls were inside and to please leave my packages. When I got home the packages were there. This was the recent order that I had expected. Today I checked on an order from 5/2 and was going to take about 2 weeks for delivery. The package showed attempt delivery on 5/7. Flabbergasted this is package she didn't deliver. The note left stated, I couldn't get the package until after 5/8 which to me meant they were going to try and delivery it again the morning of 5/8. The packages delivered on 5/8 was not the package from 5/7. They never brought the package back out. I called the post office today in hopes the package was still there. Thankfully it is. When I explained the unacceptable attempt on 5/7. WOW, the excuses....The mail carrier has to give a person at least 1 minute. I wasn't given that, and also told they do not have to pull in the driveway if they see a dog. Then how am I suppose to know they have a package to deliver? I was told I had to go the mailbox and meet them. WHAT!!! Again how do I know they have a package???? I want my regular mail carrier back!!!


I have sent birthday cards to my son and his 4 children for 4 years now. Someone in the post office or carrier is stealing checks and cash from the cards. I know "Don't send cash" but really, stealing $5.00 from a little kids birthday card. My son has noticed most of the personal mail has the corner torn when its delivered. Obviously they are looking inside the cards! I want the York postal employees to read this. Beware of the wages of your sins.


We live in Sharon off Sutton springs rd, last week we got neighbors mail, our packages didn’t even get attempted,I use to deliver mail, we had to attempt even if there were dogs we pulled up and tooted the horn, didn’t half to get out, but on numerous occasions they never came down our drive, lazy is what I would call it , we have 3 disabled people that live here, there is always someone here, York carriers are terrible,I know several people that are on different routes that go through the same thing, we had to drive to the post office 2 times last week and getting ready to go again, all because they are to lazy to attempt our packages, I do hope someone straighten this place out, because I don’t have time to run to the post office all the time. I have 3 people to take care of 😡


Our carrier has been driving through our landscaping for 3 years now. Have had mail delivered for over 25 years but this is the ONLY mail carrier that does this. Straight shot to mailbox, no curves, no obstacles, but yet she still drives up on and dislocates my landscaping rocks. I have called the postmaster 7 times, to no avail. Pulled up yesterday and yet again, she had driven over the rocks, dislocated them and broke 3 of them. I will note that I drive a dual wheel truck big enough to haul her postal vehicle around with me in the back and I pull up daily and remove the mail and never manage to run over landscaping. To make matters worse, if we get a package that won't fit into our mailbox, she rips down our circular driveway like Mario Andretti and has hit the landscaping stones through that circle as well. This lady needs her license revoked or given a moped to deliver the mail with. The first year we lived there, they kept delivering mail to my old address (even though we had change of address on file) and even though I kept calling, they kept doing it. If you want your mail delivered timely and without issue, don't move to York, SC.


I had a sub driver last week, I had 2 packages from Amazon that they say were delivered June 1, 2017, which I did not receive, I also did not receive my mail that day which I receive mail everyday. I also did not receive my mail last week my neighbors brought my mail because most of it was left at different addresses. I do not have any problems with my regular mail carrier. Now on to writing letters to DC, USPS and Mr. Thomas Murry's boss. If they are not able to do their job fire them, that is what would happen to me.


Sometimes my mail arrives at 12, sometimes, 1, 3,5,6pm!!! They also come twice a day as well! And they always putting my mail in the neighbors box or vice versa! I mean come on deliver the mail the same time each day. Ive been here for about 3 years and it's still like this! smh DO BETTER!!!


I am so upset with this stupid post office. I had a package inadvertently mailed to my old address. I called them on 12/5/14 and explained the situation and gave them the tracking #. I was told to go to USPS and sign up for text updates on my package and when I got one saying it was in York to call them and they would hold it for me to pick up. I called back on 12/6/14 and ask if I could just put a hold on my mail from there and they told me no because I had not lived there in almost 2 years so I was advised to put in a forwarding address which I did. On Monday 12/8/14 I got a text at 11:00 am saying my package had just arrived at the site in York so I immediately called them back. The clerk assured me my package was there and would be off loaded on the night of 12/8. He then told me to call back 1st thing Tuesday morning 12/9 to let them know I was on my way and to hold it for me. Well, wouldn't you know, I was informed the package actually got there the morning of 12/8 and the carrier forwarded my package. Now I have to wait another 7-10 days for it to get to me in Bessemer City. I am so glad I do not live in York any more. Now, somewhere around the 19th I will finally get the special lights I ordered for my Christmas Tree and may finally get it decorated before our children and grand children get here. This is the crap that is causing the Post offices to threaten closures and layoffs. Next time I will pay extra and have it delivered fed ex or ups.


Sounds like you screwed up, not the post office. You should have given them a forwarding address and most likely you ordered from a business or person that had your old address on file. Instead of holding the post office at fault maybe you should take a look in the mirror.
• Replied to Nancy Watson


This is the worst post office I have had, mail delivers are never on time. I had 3 packages sitting their on 8/5/2013 at 8:46 am to be delivered by 8/6/13, I received 1 of the packages on 8/6 the one that would fit in the mailbox, because my mail carrier is too lazy to get out of her car in the rain. I will notify my state Sen as this problem has been going on for 8 years

*postallocations.com is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).