Once again we have not received any mail July 10,2023. I have called Fort Mill office, no answer! My question, can we pick our missed mail up at the counter in Fort Mill? I'm also trying to see if we are going to miss Tuesday mail as well. Our address 3535 Centre Circle, FM 29715. HELP your customer!!!
I have called 3 times and no one answers the phone. Eventually, they just hang up. This is the worst post office I have ever seen and I have lived all over the world.
Dear Sirs
The key can not open the big mailbox for number 15p.please fix it ASAP. We have a parcel inside.
My address is 668 Penny Royal Ave, Fort Mill SC 29715
iPhone: 646 3880199
I need help I need 500 post card stamps! The county Post Office has them but no supervisor to open that area to get them! Really??
Now I tried calling Fort Mill and after listening to a long recording there was none of which could answer my question! Do you have Post Card Stamps that I can pickup ASAP??? oh and if you hold on for customer service the phone will ring a million times then go to busy😡😡😡😡
Moved our Mail Box years ago! Then this year we got a letter this year that they were moving it a 1/2 mile up the road away from us! Now I am on oxygen 24/7 and my husband has been disabled and at time he can't even drive! And they are moving my maill box. Tried and tried to contact them with no results! Worse place in the world to get help like this!
We moved to SC a few months ago and stopped in the Fort Mill post office for the first time. Long line but everyone was patient and kind!
When we got to the window, a fantastic employee, James, took great care of our needs. You were what true customer service should be in our country! Thank you James! Go Cowboys! 🙃
It seems that the postal employees are lazy and do as little as humanly possible. They allegedly attempted to deliver a package on Aug 4. No notice was left. Some of them get the right house number but the wrong street. It's called work ethic and is sadly lacking throughout that facility.
We have relocated our business and completed a change of address, we have been in our new location for 4 weeks with no mail delivery. I have gone to the post office once and called 3 times. Today I called again and get a recording, then another recording advising the call cannot be transferred, then it hangs up.
Our mail today, 02/11/21, was delivered in what appeared to be a minivan, and that vehicle was driven too close to the mail box, causing deep tire tracks off the road. This could prove to be a problem if continued in this rainy weather. Probably wouldn't happen if a regular mail truck was used.
I’ve been waiting on a gift that was my granddaughters Christmas present from Santa .. Delivered to Ft Mill PO on Tom Hall 12/22/20 , it’s now Jan 4th. No delivery still. May I ask where is my package . I think I’ve been very patient at waiting for it to deliver . Now , I’m an unhappy patron...Please HELP!!!!
There is someone inside the post office that is taking packages n envelopes. A box was sent to my son for next day delivery and it said delivered but was also said sent back to original post code. They’re playing at Fort Mills. It’s time the post master general gets involved
• Replied to Donna Menasco
Cecil Martin
been waiting for mail delivery, in Indigo apts,,,,no mail for over a week,cannot contact by phone.No excuse,good enough, please send reply
I was told that a delivery attempt was made today at 12:04. I have a broken leg and was sitting by the door with my dog. Who would have barked.
Now package is being held at post office. How the heck am I supposed to get that envelope and my mail if I can’t drive? This is a mess. No one will answer me on the phone.
I have a problem with our mail running so late, It has been coming round 7:30 or 8:00, Alot of days they dont even run our route, this is unacceptable this should be corrected asap.
Recent mail delivery here in Sun City Carolina Lakes has been very late in the day ...well after dark, and for many of us...no mail at all yesterday, Nov. 12. My USPS email noted several pieces were to be delivered yesterday..but No mail
We do understand our regular carrier is off due to illness.
However, this poor recent service needs improved significantly!
Also, when is Indian Land..fastest growing Community in SC, finally going to get our own Post Office?! This has been discussed for years..was even a site chosen a few years back...What is going On??.
The delivery of mail to Indian Land is horrific. Last Monday, mail was received at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, there was no delivery. Someone came around and took out the mail if the flag was up. No delivery! Wednesday we know was a holiday. I'm sitting here at 4:30 and there is no mail...yet! God only knows what will happen when the Christmas mail comes, like last year when we received it at 10 p.m This is a disgrace!
File a complaint on line with the USPS Inspector Generals Office. I just finished doing that.
• Replied to Ali D
Joan Boardman
Discriminating carrier! My carrier left a package tied up in a Walmart bag and hung on my mailbox. She carried my neighbor's package to his door. My package contained drugs.
Why did she deliver his to his door and mine was left hanging off the mailbox - in the sun?
Thursday, January 30th at approximately 5:55 PM there was a postal employee at the Legacy Apartments Complex filling mailboxes. She had pulled her van too far behind my car and was blocking me from moving from my parking spot. I was in a hurry due to the fact I was due to work at 6PM. I honked and asked her to move her vehicle which was met with a glace from her and then she continued to ignore me. I got out and asked her to move her vehicle as I was late for work and she ignored me and continued to put envelopes in slots. I told her I wouldn't be so pushy in regular circumstances, but I needed to be to work to relieve my boss. She said that she was going to finish before moving. I pushed the subject of me having to leave and she said let me finish what I have in my hand. She could have easily have put those down and been a genuinely nice person and understood my need but chose to be inconsiderate. She even took time to actually look behind my car to make sure I was telling the truth that she was blocking me. She eventually moved her car and I was late for work. I do not believe this should go unnoticed and she should at least have a conversation with management about not blocking other vehicles while doing USPS work.
The authorities NEED to read these reviews to see that there is thief going on here at this post office. I along with many others have had mail tracked here to ONLY be missing and never delivered, even thought tracking says that they received it and sometimes it even says that it is out on the truck for delivery. The postal workers ALWAYS say "i never saw it"....... and that is the end of that. There are NO cameras here in the back where the mail enters this post office to be scanned and where they work.....all the employees know this.
NO there are NOT cameras all over the Fort Mill post office. This office has asked for cameras because of ALL the MISSING money and gift cards tht have NOT made it to their destinations once they cross THIS post office. Yes, there are cameras in the front area where customers come in BUT the authorities there told me that all employees know that there are none in the back where the mail comes and goes.
• Replied to LINDA LAGANI
Yesterday at 11:00 am I entered the PO, got in line and waited my turn. There were 2 employees, one black and one white. The black lady motioned me over. She was talking so fast and chewing gum and I could not understand her. So I asked her to repeat, saying I could not understand her as she was chewing gum. It made her mad. Then she was giving the next instruction to sign something and I could not understand her. I had to ask her again to repeat. Yikes I crossed a line. I was not being disrespectful, just trying to understand what I was signing on black box to my left. Then she started yelling at me. I asked her to cancel my transaction. She shoved the box I was trying to mail into me. I went and stood back in line. Told customer who just arrived behind me to go ahead that I was waiting for the other lady to help me. I quietly said I had done something to upset her and she started yelling at me again. I remained quiet. When I went to other lady, she quietly apologized to me. I mailed my package. This lady needs help with her anger management before being able to work in public places. I'm glad it was me she bullied and not someone with a temper like hers. Afterwards, I got in car with my husband, daughter and granddaughter and we headed off to the movie. I never said a word. I just prayed for this lady. It was a surreal experience for me as I have never ever had this happen before. Last night I finally told my husband. He encouraged me to call the Postmaster today. I am fearful to call as she may answer the phone. So I am posted this info this morning. I hope she gets help. I will continue to pray for her.
I was sent a Priority Mail “SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION” package with an extremely valuable and non replaceable cassette tape - F@CKING SIGNED DOES ***NOT*** MEAN THAT THE POSTAL WORKER CAM SIGN FOR IT AND DELIVER TO A HOT DAMN OUTSIDE MAIL BOX AT A DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
I will be in later to raise all kinds of hell on this. Not acceptable!!!
I have had 2 birthday cards that I sent from the Ft. Mill P.O. and they never got there. One was sent to Arizona in Dec. 2017 with 2 gift cards. The other was sent to New York 3weeks ago with cash, never got there. What is going in the PO. I am not accusing any one but when I reported this the first time , I was told they couldn't do anything about it even though it was put in there mail box outside. I talked to the Mgr. Today and told her I wanted something done ,I realize you are not responsible but should have something available for people to let you know if there mail doesn't get delivered especially if it's cash or gift cards. She told me she would bring it up in a meeting. The P.O. was always reliable, what happened. . I never had this problem and lived here over 30 years. Please try to make it easier for people to let you know about this problem. Thank you. Especially for having a employee like James as he was very helpful and caring today as he is always. Rita
The mail delivery in legacy park is a disgrace. We received no mail on Friday and when we do get mail, it's delivered at 8:30 at night. You need to improve....current mail carrier does not leave the post office until 1:30...she is timid and can't handle the work. If she is too busy, put another delivery person on to help. Suggest you hire former pizza delivery people because they know how to get around
I would like to give the highest possible praise to the African American Male worker that works the farthest station from the door.
He is the nicest and most helpful postal worker that I ever seen
anywhere and I am a Senior citizen that has lives all over the U. S.
He deserves both a raise and a promotion. If you could give me his
name, I would appreciate it.
James it the name of the employee you are talking about. YES, he is the best. He is always helpful, has a big smile and is pleasant to deal with.
• Replied to Praise for Worker
Weird behavoir
I was expecting a package yesterday, the delivery info state delivered at the mail box but there was not package.
What's going on with our mail?
track# 9374889685090238387104, please look on to this, Thanks
Did not receive a pick up or delivery of mail yesterday on Revival Row. Several mail trucks speeding up and down but no service. We never know when our mail is coming and now if it is coming. Not good service!
I have been a USA Today subscriber for 20 years and have never had much trouble getting the newspaper on time. In the last 6 months it has gotten worse and worse. It is now normal to not get the paper on time at less two days a week. I received last Thursday on Monday, Fridays still hasn't arrived (Fridays are consistently bad). This week I only received last Thursdays, and Monday (received today - Thursday). I pay $300 per year for this paper which is mostly postage cost. Why can't I consistently get my paper on time????
If you're expecting a package via, USPS in Fort Mill, always allow at least 1 to 2 extra days. This is now the 2nd time in less than 3 weeks that a package hasn't been delivered by the "sub" on our route, therefore delaying what I have paid for (2 day service) at least 1 if not more days. Amazon's report says delivery attempt was made 2 times in 5 minutes, but it took another day before I got the package. FedEx transferred package to USPS - said it was on truck at 9:30 a.m., but at 10:40 p.m. FedEx sent email that I had to contact local USPS (its Sunday) so I could resolve the delivery issue. Really, now a 2nd package on the truck an entire day it can't be delivered? We live in a neighborhood - hello, the addresses are on our homes.