Please instruct your delivery people not to stuff our mailbox with packages. We have a community mailbox that is very small and it becomes impossible to retrieve the packages without great difficulty and damage to the package.
We would really appreciate it if the packages could be delivered and dropped off.Just because a package can be jammed in doesn't mean that it should or that it will be easy to retrieve.
Thank you for your service and attention to this matter.
I was temp staying at 875 rt 6, apt 3, Shohola pa and was told to leave by the landlord immediate today. Please hold my mail until I can open a PO Box or pick up my mail and provide a fwd address.
My number in case is 570-994-3723
Christine Webb
I live in Sagamore Estates, Twin Lakes Rd. This past Sunday, which wasn’t the first Sunday this has happened, a US Postal truck drove passed where I live. My home is past the mile marker for any delivery that can not fit in the recipient box, so if it’s to large of a package I get a card stating to pickup at post office, which is 10 miles from my home. My question is why is the US Postal truck being driven on Sunday through this private community!
There is an on gong problem at the happy hollow cluster box. Parcel locker 2D has had a problem for a couple of years now which we have reported more than once. It just won't unlock and needs to be serviced. Right now we have at lease one maybe two parcels in there that we can't retrieve. We both have mobility problems and just getting to our mail box can be problematic. Managing to get there and then not being able to retrieve our mail is something that must be addressed. At the very least don't put our parcels in that box!