On Jun 13, 2022, someone in this post office, Lowell, 97452, delivered (or took) a package addressed to me by at the incorrect zip code given by the Amazon Vendor. It should have been returned to sender since I live about 2-3 hours away from Lowell, and have never been there!
I thought it was a federal offense to steal mail or packages?
I was in lowell Oregon post Office 5-29-20 between 9:30 and 9:50 getting packages. I was wearing mask, gloves and eye protection. While I was picking up the packages a lady wearing no mask came into lowell post Office tiny room behind me. Lady should have had a mask and stayed out of room. All she had to do is back up into lobby. What ever was so important that she had to come into the tiny room took her less than a minute because I was just getting into my car when lady came out of post office to get into her car which she parked right beside my car. The lot had hers and mine cars in it. I have suggested that customers be able to call post office clerk put box by back door, opposite side it opens, clerk gets slips of paper for packages, goes get packages and put them in box. Lot less interaction between people. If people need to buy something and/or mail something this method still works. Just tell clerk what you need on phone. Now would only work in small post offices but would work good for lowell's. Thanks
12-23-20 had to go to post office for package. During process of getting package, signing for package, another person came into customer service room. This room is for 1 customer at a time due to size and can't be 6 ft apart. There are signs on door. Post office personnel need to enforce this law. This is worst time for covid19 cases spreading and will be for months.
• Replied to Lowell
John Baumann
Worst Post Office ever. Told to NOT deliver packages to the street address at least 20 times. Still loosing/misplacing packages. Trying to find a $400.- repair part now.