I have lived here for 3 years. My boyfriend Michael Klump moved out April 12 2020. Since then I have had no mail deliveries for myself Rita Day or My son Bradley Johnson. Why are we not getting our mail?
Absolute worst ever!! We’ve had issues with our packages being delivered and postmaster Kurt Spiller has done nothing but been rude to us regarding our package. This package we are missing is a remembrance ornament from my miscarriage, so thank you KURT SPILLER for being rude and making this even more of an awful experience than what it has already been. You have been reported Mr. Spiller.
This place is a absolute joke! They are constantly loosing packages or taking there time to deliver them. Also we've had our carrier set packages next to our mailbox at the end of our driveway where anybody could stop and pick it up. Instead of taking the extra couple mins to drive it to the door. We called them because they've had our package since Friday and still haven't delivered it. We were told that our package wasn't there responsibility. That's your JOB!! You deliver mail and packages so while they are in your possession, they ARE in fact YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!!
THANK YOU ALL AT THE RIPLEY POST OFFICE! Our son is at basic training and we are trying to write his every day, you people are great about taking our letters and not laughing at us as we rush in just before last pick up.
Also thank you for calling so fast when our chicks arrive at your office.