I did not get the card Pat Clow yesterday....I have the ability to see what I am getting before it arrives...Said it was in there but it wasn't. From Sharon Levi...maybe today??? But not showing on my email.
I have an issue with our mail. We are getting other people's mail and I am sure others are getting our. I was supposed to receive my License renewal card and I never received it and can not find anyone around us that they said they got it. I also wanted to let you know that I have not received mail (junk or otherwise) in over a week. We have been having these kind of issues for awhile now and if people don't receive their mail as they should then important issues can not be taken care of properly. Please look into this issue and let me know if it will be handled -- address is 2786 Lee's Union Church Road, Four Oaks, NC
I haven’t received a single piece of mail in over four working days. I know I have mail somewhere. I need a phone number not call directly to the Post Office.
I have not been receiving my mail at all. I’ve had 3 tracked packages not even show up and say they are delivered. Nothing at all. A complaint has been issued. Very livid!
No mail tuesday i was expacting 3 packages and they were never delivered this is an ongoing problem
• Replied to pamela b murray
Even numbers on right, Odd numbers on left
For the last week the post carrier has been delivering our mail and packages to the house across the street. The house is vacant! Luckily, there have been workers there that have brought our mail to the house. There is personal mail, credit cards, bills and large expensive packages being given to complete strangers!!! Unacceptable. Learn that even numbers are on the right side of the road and odd numbers are on the left, no matter where the mailbox is located!
Tip: when flag on mailbox is up, TAKE MAIL IN MAILBOX!
Don't just dump more mail on top of it, like was done to me this week. Now my bills are late; thanks Four Oaks PO!!!