I'm so angry, I've been waiting for 1 1/2 weeks for 17 gifts 12 of which say they were delivered, then last week we received our neighbors mail that lives at the starting of our dead end road we took the packages to his home set them on the deck and his envelopes of mail in his box, we tried to have the driver take them but all she did was keep the their mail in my box and cramped mine in there, she hasn't delivered me mail since the 13th of December.
Why do you close at noon and I bet you get paid salary so you get paid regardless ...
Very frustrated so much so I'm calling
St. Paul .
Very much frustrated I have packages coming a dozen to be axact and the informed delivery app shows two of them were delivered. But I have not received them. And when I attempt to call and I have tried about six times. And no one answers. And on top of it they are only open till noon. 🤔 😔 🙃
Totally agree, I too did not receive a packages, one company confirmed it was delivered, the company has always been prompt and quick with their deliveries, haven’t been able to get to post office because of hours(that has been an $90 lost as of today!) Another package was left at the neighbors house, quite a ways north of us, totally different address, so thankful they were honest people and brought to me! Daughter has had missing packages(Christmas gifts), found but she had to totally get on the post office, they were found at another house. Packages put in the small open mailbox that the Scotsman comes in....packages sticking out, our mailbox is big and is connected to the small open one, why it was put in the small open....not a clue! Just received a package yesterday that does not belong to us....yikes, this is not good!