Normally, I have no complaints, but recently, on several occasions we have received our neighbors across the streets mail. Just yesterday, we received their packages. The mail carrier drove up our driveway and put the packages on the wrong porch. I would appreciate it, if drivers would double check they are at the right residence before they deliver. Thank you for your service and time.
Oh the postmaster is incompetent. I had a complaint about a letter carrying he literally told me he didn't have the authority to tell the employee to stop doing something. He then made a decision in the most inefficient way possible to help slow down the mail even more.
I found myself driving behind a mail truck one day. I noticed that the truck passed several homes without stopping including my own. It was only when the postal truck driver saw me stop and turn into my driveway that they stopped and turned around and delivered my mail to my box. I thought how odd to drive by so many homes with no mail???? Then notice me and correct the situation looks suspicious to me.
It's ok the local postmaster decided that each home in our subdivision needed to have a mailbox in front of it. Despite the postal service policy requiring centralized mailboxes. Basically choosing the most inefficient way possible to deliver mail. But it's Holly so I'm not surprised.
• Replied to Holly MI
big 1400 up in dis thing
just wait tell ur shi arrives god damn.
Have some patience
It is January 8, 2019. I am still awaiting delivery of a parcel marked “returned to sender” on December 24, 2018. No new tracking information and the post office has no answer. I’ll use UPS for all future shipping needs.
I feel like me and my wife arent receiving half the mail we should get there are days i dont even see the mailman and they always give us tons of ripped advertisements we are missing our mail and the mail arrives way too late.
Get used to it ! Thats just the way it is with this Post Office. & dont bother going down there & telling Dave the Postmaster because he could care less than the drivers, Podunk service from a Podunk town !!
• Replied to Newhere
We want our regular postman back. I don’t get the advertisements half the the time or they r stuffed in mailbox in a mess! I feel that we are not receiving all our mail!! This needs to be fixed now!