I thought mail was to be forwarded for eight months. I moved 5 months ago and only had a few pieces of mail forwarded. There is a check I was supposed to have received and was told it was forwarded, but it’s apparent it won’t be. The post office service has gone waaay downhill since the previous move where All mail was forwarded.
This not the first, nor the second, nor the third time I have received a package that was left at the post office without ever being notified it was there. No slip with information. This is a first in that the package was small enough to fit in my over sized mailbox.
I do not know my postal delivery person, and I realize different days mean different drivers. However, that being said, I find the gross incompetence of the drivers is unacceptable.
I have complained in the past and the post mistress was very good at defending her people right or wrong. Excuses for everything.
I expect more from the U. S. Postal service.
One is a mistake, more than once is gross negligence. I will say, this all did not occur until the drivers were based out of Fennville. May be a factor and may not. I do expect something to be determined, the driver, or drivers be reprimanded in writing.
Velvete Smania
5273 109th
Pullman. Mi. 49450
I don’t know about anyone else but I know my mail delivery Lady is wonderful Racheal Lacey. Always a happy smile, she’ll even stop if I missed her at the mailbox on our way back to pick. She’s just wonderful ,she deserves a big raise.
It is 5:43 p.m. on 11/25/16; I put my first class mail out at 6:10 a.m. this morning; still there is no mail picked up or delivered. I live in the CITY of Fennville; supposedly not rural. Our regular carrier has been deficient in speed for more than a decade...certainly time for a change without a government pension!
The lady that delivers from the fennville office is inconsiderate and drives thru your lawn. She also held mail when it wasn't supposed to be and mail was never on time. Destructive driver and fast thru family neighborhoods.