Covington Post Office

1775 N Columbia St, Covington, LA 70433

Contact Numbers

Phone: 985-893-6896
Fax: 985-892-9219
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 24 hours
Tuesday 24 hours
Wednesday 24 hours
Thursday 24 hours
Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday 24 hours

Last Collection Times

Monday 4:30pm
Tuesday 4:30pm
Wednesday 4:30pm
Thursday 4:30pm
Friday 4:30pm
Saturday 3:00pm
Sunday Closed

Passport Walk-In Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00am - 11:00am
Wednesday 10:00am - 11:00am
Thursday Closed
Friday 10:00am - 11:00am
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Passport Appointment Hours

Monday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed

  • Visit our Passport FAQ page for a complete overview of what to bring, what you need to know, and how long it will take.
  • You will need two forms of Identification with copies.
  • A passport quality photo. Available at location.
  • The appropriate application form printed and filled out, and the required fee for applying or renewing.
  • You can find up to date costs, information, and forms at the State Departments Travel Site

*Appointments are required outside of walk-in hours to apply for or renew US Passports. Please Call or schedule online.

Bulk Mail Acceptance Hours

Monday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 3:00pm
Sunday Closed

  • Bulk Mail Acceptance
  • Bulk Mail Account Balance
  • Bulk Mail New Permit
  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Packaged Stamps
  • Passport Acceptance
  • Passport Photo
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lobby has Copier
  • Lot Parking
  • Passport Appointment Hours

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

Saint Benedict
75376 River Rd
1.3 miles away

Abita Springs
22444 Highway 435
3.2 miles away

100 Covington St
4.1 miles away

1 Saint Ann Dr
4.4 miles away


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Wow. Just watched an audit by J Town Press. The postmaster, George Brengartner filed TWO FALSE POLICE REPORTS. Why? To stomp his feet like a baby and have someone’s 1 Amendment RIGHTS violated. George should be fired and charges brought against him for lying to a police officer. And then there are his circus monkeys going along with his lies.


At this present time our local post master for Slemmer Road in Covington, Louisiana 70433 has successfully accomplished proper mail delivery training to her staff. Returns phone calls within hours. Addresses issues of my concerns in one day of time. Slemmer Road known for transit rental of short term along with home owners of long term investments. Street can be very tricky at times. Unfortunately, some neighbors refuse to place address numbers on mail box or house locations. Hard for carriers to understand, at times. Not our local postal workers fault. Speeding cars, passing postal drivers, with no respect to our location, has been the problem for industry mail postal service, law enforcement has been reported for the safety of our US Mail Deliveryl~ Cherie Munster, Covington, Louisiana (Homeownership for many years)


Sick and tired of my packages not showing up and when it’s says my package was delivered!! I’m so tired of fighting to get refunds on my packages, I’m about to bring this to court!


Really getting tired of finding my packages left on the sidewalk instead of on my porch or at least on the other side of the gate that is waist high. No excuse.




Any business mail that’s routed thru the Covington system for delivery to Abita springs is marked undeliverable or vacant lot. No problem with packages or junk mail!


Do you return undeliverable mail to sender?


please call me about serious violations/ phone me now about the sorry MAIL DELIVERY. I AM CONTACTING Washing for the second time in a week. I want my mail now> If I miss deadlines on any year end business> I plan to take legal action / My # 985.705.3533


Recently in June 11, 2021 I started having trouble with getting packages that the tracking information says were delivered in it at the mailbox. I’m not sure what’s going on. All attempts to contact the Covington, LA post office to discuss this issue have been unsuccessful. Address 72457 Dahlia Street, Covington, LA 70435. I’m expecting another package today. I hope the post office can get this situation corrected so this won’t continue happening.


I'm not expecting much to happen and have filed complaints on complaints on complaints and NO one gives a **** Incompetent Irene screwed up my change of address form and I find out 6 wks later! She should not be working with public, period!, always mean!! Supervisor Bobby NEVER contacts you, either. I here a state rep jerked em straight, apparently still need to clean bouse! Here's a thought, idiot incomp employees, if you can't do your job...get the ****out!!! WE PAY YOUR FIN SALARY!!!


It's all about the election. They're being coached up to condition us to expect the mail carriers to "misplace" certain ballots in certain precincts in order to ensure that votes from Trump-heavy precincts are artificially reduced by 30-40%, while the "extra votes" fraud for democrat precincts returns 100-200% more votes than actual voters. They know that unless they can fraudulently manipulate Trump's vote totals in each state to be 30-40% lower than actual votes cast for the President and triple the number of ballots for Biden, Trump would win 74% of the total vote and all 50 states. Dementia Joe is like the COVID Scamdemic. His supporters only exist on TV, just like people who actually became sick and/or died from COVID. The truth is there aren't even any confirmed cases since the tests return a + result for anyone who's had any respiratory illness or even a flue shot in the past decade. Similarly, nobody even knows anybody who plans to vote for Biden. He can't even hold campaign rallies b/c no one would show up. Compare that to the crowds at Trump rallies, and ask yourself if you believe the polling data. Anyone reading this who doubts me, Google "Larry Edgeworth, coronavirus Politico." This was the first reported CV19 death in the US that I'm aware of. Headline reads: 'NBC News employee died of coronavirus." After several thousand words of fluff, there is one relevant paragraph towards the end of he story in which Mr. Edgeworth's wife directly contradicted the headline and stated that he had multiple terminal illness that were not CV19 that killed him. That he was on death's door anyway. The hospitals were bribed with $13,000 per patient PER DAY extra for CB patients (bribed with US taxpayer money at that). The tradeoff was that they in turn would falsify medical records and falsely list CV as the Cause of Death on the certificate so that that Russia, China and Central Bankers' "Big Democrat-Media-Education System Complex" could stir the public into a frenzy to the point people wear paper masks while driving alone to "prevent" a minor cold that exists in name only. They know this will be the most lopsided election in US history, and with Trump's victory will come the death of the ideology of leftism forever. They are deploying all assets and hiring criminals to be delivery drivers for USPS is just one of countless other ways democrats are conspiring to steal the election. Let's talk Black Lives Matter. Go to their website and complete the following steps in order to have your mind blown at the depravity of the left: 1. Go to BLM website; observe the layout, design, and URL (web address). 2. Click "Donate." 3. Observe the layout, design AND URL. 4. Observe that you're no longer on the same website, but instead at secure_actblue_com. 5. Search Bing for "Act Blue." 6. Read the Wikipedia entry on Act Blue." 7. Let it sink in that Act Blue IS the DEMOCRAT PARTY. 8. Let it sink in that the DEMOCRAT PARTY committed a PREMEDITATED MURDER OF A BLACK MAN (George Floyd) in order to kickoff a fundraising drive in which they've defrauded people of all races and political affiliations to to donate under the understanding that the money was going toward an organization that helped ensure black lives matter. Billions upon billions in donations to a political party under false pretenses. That's bad enough. But then when you add to it the fact that they murdered a black man to dupe and emotionally manipulate people into giving their money away to murderers who killed a black guy to trick them into stealing their money, the entire Democrat party (not voters or supporters - just the elected ones and unelected ones behind the scenes of the elected ones), need to be arrested posthaste and escorted by the US Navy to Guantanamo Bay, from where they should never be allowed to emerge. This is yet another example of high treason from them. If the President doesn't send in the Marines now to apprehend them the citizenry will have no choice but to uphold their duty to the United States Constitution to uphold and defend it from all enemies, especially domestic.


I recently received a bill two weeks late. It was put in the wrong mailbox. I know this was put in the wrong mailbox because the person who received it wrote a note on the outside of the envelope. The delay cost me twice as much as the bill would of been if delivered correctly. Very frustrating. Who can possibly afford this to keep happening.


Tried calling the Folsom LA post office for hours on 8/19, needed information on a tracking item. No one bothers to answer the phone at this location.


630 pm on friday August 21st one of your drivers (Short Brown hair Female) was driving no less than 50 mph down my street. Wilson road covington La 70435 Its a 25 mph street and my kids ride their bikes and we jog here. I do not appreciate this one bit. Please remind them of driving safety. Next time i will report her to the Sherrif deputy that lives on this road as well.


USPS did not deliver to my house. I have a long drive because this is a farm. The delivery person left package with paper towels in a rainstorm in a puddle. What is going on with them? Will tell Amazon as well. Unacceptable.


Just watch the postal lady walk around her truck and then returned with my package to her truck. She never attempted to walk to my door. Since I happened to see her, I walked out the front door and she gave me my package stating my dog was in the yard. My dog was in the back yard, not the front, with an electric fence and he never even barked at her. Yesterday, my Amazon tracking said that a delivery attempt was made and returned to sender. I watched the mail truck drive by my house and no one ever got out to deliver anything. Packages should be delivered as promised by our postal service.


I recently have not been receiving mail and or packages the day they should be coming. I have the USPS Informed Delivery service and it is telling me what I should get daily. Sometimes the mail/packages a day or two later. Everyone once in a while I get a text from USPS that "Delivery attempted- No Access to Delivery Location" This is not true and never has been. I have two open places to park ALL of the Time to deliver the package. I believe that substitute people just don't want to deliver or are too busy and just skip package deliveries. I get the mail and not the package?????


The USPS refuses to deliver packages to my door. They cite an impassable driveway as the reason. I just spent $6,000 having my driveway refinished and no other delivery service including Amazon, FedEx and UPS have refused to deliver to my door. if the post office refuses to honor their contract with Amazon they should cancel the contract not penalize their customers.


7:30pm Wednesday 5/13/20. No mail delivered to home again. On the advance notification of mail to be delivered we did have mail which should have been delivered??


Hi, I am missing a package that had a delivery date of 4/21/20. I had a tracking # from Amazon and never received it. What do I do?


We sold 67169 Industry Lane Covington Louisiana 70433 985-893-2271 Carolyn Glynn .Munster Cherie Ann Munster La Grandeur Academy of Dance Worldwide Commercial Ventures Munster s Academy of Dance, after 50 yrs. Please forward all mail to 19375 Slemmer Road Covington Louisiana 70433 985-893-2271.. Been on Industry lane for 50 yrs. I will be in to pick up Address change card. Please let mail delivery know. Thank you, Cherie Munster


I have lived in the Mandeville , Covington, Abita Springs area since the early eightys (40) years and I have always rated the postal service as top notch. However, just before the hoiday season last year we started to get other peoples mail, sometimes from down the street, or across the street and now and then from an entirely different street! I voiced my concern to the postmaster that if I am receiving other peopkes mail then my mail may be going to other peoples addresses. She promissed to investigate but the problem continued throughout the year. It is now getting worse and there are days where our outgoing mail placed in the box with the flag up does not get picked up. Trying to get in touch with someone is now met with voice mail. This is the absolute worse postal service I have ever encountered. Skmething need to be done


Gentlemen-According to my spouse and several neighbors, it appears that our Tuscany West neighborhood has not had mail delivery either today, 11/19th or yesterday, 11/18th. This is very upsetting and we'd respectfully like to know the reason(s)!. Thank you WJN PS Has our mail been lost or misplaced? Are you all aware of this problem ?


Your service is the worst I have ever seen!!! I was expecting a package at 108 Micheal Ct. yesterday 11/09 and it never happened,on your tracking site it states Delivery attempted-front door driveway not accessible which was far from the truth!!!! There were NO VEHICLES or anything else stopping delivery in this cul de sac or my driveway. The next cul de sac over Sherry Ct. did have many vehicles in it but not Michael Ct. And this has been on going for awhile,I've had packages delivered two doors over and each mail box has clearly marked boxes. Another time expecting a package that wasn't delivered I chased her down to Sherry Ct. and when I inquired about a package to 108 Michael Ct she looked and realized she screwed up and came back to deliver it.


8/26/19 Called the post office to check on a change in address and received a very helpful reply. Great service. Thanks Tom Schauer


What does it take for mail to be picked up from my box? Mail has been in my box since last week, yet to be picked up. Not good USPS! Certain things are on a time frame, but, no longer. Can’t trust my mail carrier!


Just watched my mail carrier skip past my mailbox and not deliver for a 3rd day in a row. I'm expecting mail that I know was sent and once again will receive it a week later (maybe). I receive my neighbors' mail on a regular basis (when the mail is actually delivered) and have also found my mail in the ditch repeatedly. Mail placed in the box to be picked up is not picked up more times than I can count. Has the USPS gone to a 2 day work week or choosing check to deliver to every 3rd mailbox? Either way, that's how it's being done. Deplorable


I'm about to file suit. Maybe we should all do a class-action.
• Replied to Leslie Landry


Worst service ever, have packages in the post office since March 2nd. This is the 7th. Of March and I can't get through by phone. Also the mail carrier never even tried to deliver my packages.


My driver is an incapable carrier who lies through her teeth! This is the 4th time that she has NOT delivered a package and NOT left notice of said package. I have to find out from Amazon that she claims that the package was undeliverable to my driveway. I have camaras and she has yet to try to use the driveway! Today I was on my front porch watched her pull up open box dump mail and SPEED off without closing the box door! I AM DONE! If I have to go to the PO to pick up a package she didn't even attempt to deliver I will make a scene!


The postmaster here is a lazy mf'er. The delivery drivers suck shit, and they do what ever they want with no management. I know when Amazon uses the post office, I will have to drive there a few times playing cat and mouse before I eventually get my package. UPS and FedEX deliver with never an issue.


What ever you do, don't use the Mandeville Post office!!!! They are probably either just as bad or worse than Covington!!! I believe these so called employees are committing a form of mail fraud with their incompetents. Lee Zurich would have a field day! Let's get them all on camera!!!!!
• Replied to Worst management ever


This is absolutely the worst Post Office in the United States! They lost. Package of mine and claimed they tried to deliver it when I met the mailman outside and they said they didn’t have it. I will be getting a P.O. Box in the next city over. Sucks I have to drive 5 miles down the road to get my mail, because you can’t rely on your post office to get your package to you. It seems like when I called and complained they either through my package away or someone kept it for themselves.. I know somebody will be replacing my $45 dollars and I will be going up there in person. I just hope I don’t get arrested! Wish me luck!


The service at the Covington post office is ridiculous. Several packages of mine have either come up missing, are late, or placed at the wrong house. And they NEVER answer the phone during business hours, I have called 10 times in a row and still no answer. It's very annoying that our important mail/packages are placed in the hands of careless people. This is why I go to the Abita post office every time, service is great and packages I mail out are on time and everything. I just wish my mail was delivered by them. So disappointed.


The employees should all get a new job.... Because they suck at this one. Very Poor And Slow service.... I waited all day for a package delivery that I was tracking on the USPS wed site and it said it was "Out for Delivery"... Around 4:00pm I checked again and there was an notice.. "Not deliverable / no one home or business closed".... That is TOTAL B. S. When I called... NO ONE ANSWERED and the Post Office was still open. I Will Be Contacting the Post Master!

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).