For the third day in a row we have received no mail. This is in spite of receiving email notification that there are deliveries for our postal address. As of 6:30 PM on Monday, 2/13: no mail. Tuesday, 6:30 PM on 2/14: no mail. Wednesday, 2/15 as of 6:30 PM: no mail.
Each day we received an email notice that there ARE items to be delivered.
I do have one caveat for this. On Tuesday, we did receive email however our letters were IN SOMEONE ELSE'S MAILBOX. There are four residences who share the same set of mail delivery boxes.
Why is this happening?
We routinely do not receive a portion of our mail. Based on the scanned notification we receive almost daily as an email, a good portion of those scanned items ends up in a different mailbox than ours. Almost daily we have to look in the other three (3) boxes at our delivery station to see what was missed. Conversely, we receive mail for our neighbors and have to sort through that and place their mail in their proper mailboxes.
This was an occasionally occurrence; it is becoming almost a daily task for us. We have been missing bills and bank statements. These items will show eventually so we have to assume a kindly neighbor performed the same task we have been doing and placed our mail within the prober box.
• Replied to Randall Williams
Marge Himes
Is our Postal Service going out of business? I have noticed a severe slow down in mail delivery for the past 3 weeks. If you are going out of business please have the courtesy of letting our neighborhoods know you are no longer in the business of delivering mail. I'm writing my stae reps to ask why we no longer have mail service before 1a.m.
I tried to contact USPS about a package that was not delivered to my residence, despite getting a notification that it had been delivered. I called the contact number. I followed the recorded instructions pressing one to get info about a package. All it did was verify the same information that I received via email. I tried again. This time pressing six to talk to a real person. All I got was a message that the person's mailbox was full; try again later. I can see that I must physically go in person to get any help whatsoever!
I would like to complain that my social security card was taken out of my mail. I noticed I recognize your mail workers as bikker gang members. Jenifer Keleher and Riley Wold. I was assaulted in my home some time ago and believe they used tthe job of working at the post office to locate me.
I have yet to have a person answer the phone when I called.
Went on vacation for 5 days and asked them to hold my mail. Also filled out a general delivery form. Why can't they just answer the darn phone at all. Or just call me back. Angry at this system!
I’ve been waiting for my package that said out for delivery on feb 22 2021 and has not been delivered now it says waiting on delivery scan this happens all the time my mail hardly gets delivered what the hell is going on!!!!
Hello, I’ve been waiting on a package since the 6th of Dec, I received 2 text notifications that the package departed Merrifield Va on the 6th and the last notification was on the 10th stating my pkg was in transit but arriving late and I’ve not heard anything since the 10th.. I’m hoping you can find my pkg as it is a Christmas present... Please notify me ASAP as I’m unable to speak to a person it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You very much:) Sincerely Michele Willer
Having a problem with our mail Not being picked up at 2813 Ridge Ave. Sioux City, IA. This has happened several times and I am getting upset. They walk by and don’t bother to look up to see if we have outgoing mail.
Thank You
My mail man was scared of my 5 pound dog and pepper sprayed her. I had to sign an agreement that I would have my dog inside at that time in order to get my mail. I have not received my mail since. I have to go pick it up. My son ordered some parts for his skateboard. We just received a notification that his package is being returned to sender because it can’t be delivered. The government finds every kind of way to screw people over.
I don't receive a good portion of our mail, I have to deliver mail a few times a week to neighbors. I Have sent letters to myself from other locations and never received. I can't get medical care I need because I haven't received insurance cards that have been resent 3 times in the last 2 months. I hope something can be done.
Didn't get mail delivery on Saturday, 1/18/2020 or Tuesday, 1/21/2020. Will there be mail delivery on Wednesday? I tried calling....but no one answers. Left message....but no one returns calls. They need to notify people when mail will not be delivered. Put it on the local News! Something!! This is not good....not professional.
You wonder why the USPS is going broke. I have been calling all the numbers listed for the Sioux City PO for 2 months and NO ANSWER. Also, their mail box is ALWAYS full and cannot take messages. I'm trying to get new mail service for new construction and NOBODY will respond.
So, I called the 800 number and sat on hold for 30 minutes. All they could do was to give me the same local number that I have been trying for 2 months. NO Email, NO Online ability, NO Phone, NO response.....and you wonder why they have problems.....