Littleton Post Office

5753 S Prince St, Littleton, CO 80120

Contact Numbers

Phone: 303-795-7346
Fax: 303-797-3171
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Retail Hours

Lobby Hours
PO Box Access Available

Monday 24 hours
Tuesday 24 hours
Wednesday 24 hours
Thursday 24 hours
Friday 24 hours
Saturday 24 hours
Sunday 24 hours

Last Collection Times

Monday 5:00pm
Tuesday 5:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
Thursday 5:00pm
Friday 5:00pm
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday Closed

*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.

  • Burial Flags
  • Business Line
  • Business Reply Mail Account Balance
  • Business Reply Mail New Permit
  • Duck Stamps
  • General Delivery
  • Money Orders (Domestic)
  • Money Orders (Inquiry)
  • Pickup Accountable Mail
  • Pickup Hold Mail
  • PO Box Online
  • Lot Parking

Visit our Links Page for Holiday Schedule, Change of Address, Hold Mail/Stop Delivery, PO Box rentals and fees, and Available Jobs.

*Please call to verify information. Is anything incorrect? Let us know here

Nearby Post Offices:

915 W Lehigh Ave
1.6 miles away

Downtown Englewood
3330 S Broadway
2.1 miles away

2221 E Arapahoe Rd
2.3 miles away

4259 W Florida Ave
3.3 miles away


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My mail delivery is not as it should be. Bills are not on time and I often get late bills that I would have paid month by month. I do not know who delivers the mail,but I am not pleased with the service at all. Linda Keane 6907 South Prince Circle 303 798 7542


I just moved into a new apartment almost 6 months ago. I’ve been to the post office 5 different times to return piles and piles of mail that isn’t mine. I put the little green card that says my name is the only name that lives there, in my mailbox, months ago. Every time I come in I get “I’ll talk to the carrier” today I went in and said what would happen if I threw this mail away? Because I can’t keep coming back in for everyone else’s mail. The person working just said “well that’s illegal” ok… well give me another option then. I’m not responsible for these 5 people who haven’t forwarded their mail. I would like to speak to the postmaster at this point but I’ve never been given that as an option. Am I asking for too much?


Two years now we have been having very important mail delivery problems in some cases valuable letters have disappeared. I have contacted the Littleton Post Office by phone and in person said supervisors care less. Our letter carrier has even left a hand written letter to me calling me a liar about my mail delivery and threatening me to not call Littleton Post Office about lost and mis delivered mail. I even went so far as to notify Postal Inspection Service and no answer. Today according to USPS informed service it showed a Wells Fargo statement 2/28/23 delivery. This letter has not show up and we have folder delivered today from another address to our house. If someone gets our Wells Fargo information I guess I am in for identify theft.


This post office has horrible customer service. I have called for the past 15 minutes and nobody is answering. I actually had somebody pick up the phone for a second and hang right up. Second time the had a little tiny decency to put me on hold which later hung up on me. THE JOB REQUIRES TO ASSIST. Seems like people get away with not doing their jobs properly!


I pass this Post Office twice everyday to and from work. I have never seen so much absolute disrespect of the American Flag. The flag gets stuck on tree branches and stays stuck there. It appears to be permanently at half staff. My father fought the battle of Okinawa during WWII, and every time I pass I think to myself 'what would he think.' Please have someone in that office show respect for the flag. Perhaps it is the Boomer generation (which I belong to) that still cares about the American flag and what it used to represent. The "Greatest Generation" must be rolling in their graves because they fought and died for that flag. It is disgraceful. Please fly the flag properly. Please.


I’m telling who ever may be moderating this page that they are making a grave mistake by not taking my request for help. to be taken seriously. It will not go well for whomever decides that it is not their problem and that the next person on shift can deal with it.


I was given a number to contact and when calling it rings at least 10 times and then tells me "Welcome to Verizon wireless, your call cannot be completed as dialed". I thought I may have misdialed so I have tried it several times with the same response so I know that it isn't me. I then called the main post office number where a recorded response says please stay on the line and an operator will be with you shortly and after a few minutes of waiting it just goes to a fast busy signal. I called the 800 number and can't get through to speak to anyone - pretty frustrating!


I am trying to track a package this is the tracking number 9400108205497890311692


The Arapahoe County DMV has sent my vehicle tags twice since December 28 and I have not yet received either. Then I just tried to call the Prince St. P.O. only to be disconnected twice. How can I get my mail.


One of the residents here in my apt complex located at 163 W Powers Cir. has had her mail put in the wrong box twice now this week. For 3 days now I have NOT received any mail in my box, my question who's box is my mail in. My neighbor who lives in apt 102, has had my mail once. WHERE'S MY MAIL .


key will not open mail box... have had the problem before i need to get my mail out..7751 s. hickory pl littleton 80120


Postal carrier serving 8201 S Santa Fe Dr 80120 5/5/2020-12:45 p.m. The postal carrier I just met at our mail center is rude. Because there is no real schedule to our mail service, I cannot schedule my time to go to the mail center repeatedly. Which is fine. I just stopped by to pick up my mail and as I have done many times in the past told the carrier that I was grabbing my mail. He responded well I will go over here to respect 6 feet which apparently you don't (I had a mask on and was approx 6-7 feet from him) I said sorry I thought I was far enough away. His response Next time I'll put the chain up (an aside what chain?). My response was excuse me for breathing (yes I know smart mouth response) and his response well I guess you are excused. I would not have been more taken aback if he had told me to F... off. If he didn't want me to grab my mail, he just had to ask me to come back later. I would have tried again tomorrow. Look I get the postal service is working hard to deliver add'l packages and maintain their personal health in the midst of a pandemic. I am also an "essential employee" and I am trying very hard to respect the Safe at Home directives. I work remotely and rarely leave my house. My efforts to "flatten the curve" include not wandering Walmart or Home Depot - going to the grocery only when ABSOLUTELY necessary - and staying in my home or yard. I also get that we are all stressed and afraid and worried BUT that does not give anyone the right to just be a jerk.


I had my mail held while out of town and come back to find that not all of the expected packages are available for pickup. Seriously, something is wrong at this location. I verified that the package was shipped and held at this location for me and now they cannot find my package. Nobody picks up the phone for assistance so now its another trip down to the post office location.


I always pay for two day shipping & I never receive the item for 5 days. I don’t understand. This just happened yesterday & I still don’t have package. It’s very frustrating when you have a time sensitive package. And you don’t get it. What’s the point in paying for a 2 day ship. The mailed to me on Wednesday 7/26 & received confirmation that I was guaranteed package by Friday 7/28, it’s still not delivered & it’s Saturday evening 7/29. Going out of town & it’s signature required. I better receive this by Monday before I fly out of town! I’m leaving this review because there is nobody to contact at this office or on the one 800 number. It keeps kicking me off and I spent an hour and 30 minutes on the phone waiting for somebody to get on and help me and no one ever picked up the phone. There is no customer service at this place? And this post office has already lost hundreds of thousands of business checks back in December. At what point are we going to start getting good service? Or the ability to even contact a live person to try to resolve the matter? This is just craziness! I think that’s the most frustrating part. You can’t just call and talk to somebody about helping find the package. And the tracking just says in transit in transit in transit. They do a poor job of updating the tracking on the package online. It’s pointless to have a tracking number when it doesn’t even tell you what’s going on. Ridiculousness


I was waiting for my mail on south cedar street the mail lady named Elizabeth was rude and said she hear every dog barking she said all owners on this street dogs should be killed and my dog wasn't in the house was in back yard this lady has a problem she needs to find a new job if she afraid of animals if your deliver mail watch out for her she hot ready to bit she don't care she told me go ***** off she don't care at all about people on our street


I want to congratulate the counter staff at the Littleton Main Post Office! Every time I come in, they are fast and courteous which I really appreciate! Please extend my congratulations to them!


We had a postman for acouple of years who knew each mailbox- was courteous and helpful. Now they seem to change every 2-3 weeks. Today 3 people were doing the work of that 1 man used to do. They arrived at a late hour and people wanting to get their mail were denyed entry in a very rude manner. Especially the man who blocked the entrance to the mailboxes by opening the MB doors in a way that blocked entrance. Is this the kind of behavior you are proud of? Of course, I am emailing gov't employees who don't give a damn so I'll be surprised to get a courteous response if I get any response at all. 4555 W Mineral Dr Littleton.


The people who work IN this office are always nice and helpful. However, the carriers that run out of this office are ABYSMAL. There's not a comment box in the world big enough to hold my litany of grievances.


Littleton, CO Did not receive mail delivery yesterday. Post office not answering phones today. Fairly, unreliable, but more reliable since I don't have a legally blind delivery person anymore.


I sent a certified notarized letter from Ohio to the Littleton, CO area on May 15, 2016. The letter has been sitting in the Littleton post office since May 21st according to the tracking number. Today is June 14th at 8:00PM and the recipient has not received the letter and it has not been sent back to me. This was a critical letter for the college graduates in my class concerning their certification and job eligibility. I had to send another notarized letter which did get delivered in two business days. What is the fate of the first letter???


Littleton Post office just called me about mail theft I reported, she referred me to US Postal Inspector, I already talked to them and received a case number. When I try to call back Littleton's number rings and rings, no answer, no machine. Very unimpressed. Teresa left the message.


I mailed a certified; return receipt letter from Aurora Post Office. It was scanned properly at the Aurora Office. It was delivered to the Littleton Post Office but not scanned by Littleton Office. Can't trace it further. I have been calling the Littleton Post Office to see it they can trace it, but they don't answer their phone. I let it ring until I'm disconnected, but no one ever answers. Hence the bad reviews.


I don't know why all I see bad reviews on here. My family and I like this post office. Just don't come after 4:00 because you will have a long wait time. In the morning, I can mail my packages and leave in under 5 minutes. All of the staff there are excellent. I couldn't do what they do. Give those people a raise.


I had two packages on truck for delivery today. They were not delivered! However they both show as delivered on tracking numbers one was a fed x smartpost and the other transferred by UPS. 4 min. After the showed delivered they show unable to deliver. Seems odd to me!! It's no wonder people don't use the postal service. I hope they find my packages and get them delivered!!! This has happened several times before with the Littleton 80120 post office. I plan on calling USPS and making a complaint!!!


Can you believe this one?...Package sent correctly zipcoded and addressed to a Gibson City, Illinois PO BOX address. VERY LEGIBLE AS IT WAS PRINTED ON A COMPUTER and attached to front of package (still have the photo of it because mail service is so iffy lately so I photograph all my packages. The package went from Denver sort facility to get this...Littleton, Colorado...and then OUT FOR DELIVERY (remember this is a P.O. Box at a POST OFFICE...not a residential get this LITTLETON COLORADO where the zip code is COMPLETELY different from Gibson City, Illinois. It took them 2 weeks to then locate the carrier who had the package and another week to send. Since I'm a merchant, you would not believe the horrible nasty feedback from the buyer. This feedback and the feedback from 22 other buyer's reduced my 100% 5 star rating down to 32% with a threatening letter from the head company stating if there is anymore negative feedback my priveledges with the company will be terminated. Since all these mistakes by the postal service, I have made one sale in February and only five in January. I am no longer able to support myself (with a worse economy last year I was in February making enough to pay my mortgage, utilities, buy groceries, school lunches for my children, gas and save 300.00 that month while January was even better last year. What does the USPS say...nothing, they don't take responsibility for anything. The USPS needs to be privatized...I would rather an outside source be in charge of them as the job they are doing falls short of even mediocre. These lousy employees need to be held accountable for their poor service. 

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).