Man what a bunch of crybaby scumbag trash posting on this platform ugh 😑 LAME people complain 24/7 an usually are the MAIN reason why bad things keep on happening to em! Lol bunch a losers! I've had NOTHING BUT THE BEST, EASIEST FANTASTIC AMAZING EXPERIENCE w/ this towns post offices, including ALL OF THEM! Absolutely amazing staff. They are wonderful with customer services, very helpful and engaging! FABULOUS services! An omfg some of the delivery guys are OMFG SOOOO HOT 🔥 🥵 😍 I'm in love ❤️ lol 👍 the other Monday, on w hawthorn, summer st, delivery guy delivered a small package, I could just grabbed him an make him my pet. Omg beautiful people who are sweet too!
Our postman is a great guy and is a very good postman. However, I'm writing about the Postal Service from the top. We had mail to go out yesterday, flag out and ready. I never saw the postman come by (I'm home and disabled, so I usually see him...or her depending on who is working our route that day). Our bills did not go out. :( So, I tried calling the post office. All day, no one answered and it went to a busy signal. So, being frustrated I called the 800 number. Oh, my! I got no good answer other than, "If you don't have mail they won't pick up your mail whether the flag is up or not." Well, that's just wrong! Way to go Lewis De Joy (not!). I was told to go to the post office to find out why they aren't answering.
Right now it is almost 6pm and not postman. I will be writing to good ole Lewis about how he's really destroyed our postal service. . . like he'll give a flying leap. I expect he'll laugh with de joy. (sorry, bad joke, but...
Horrible service delivering to my house.
When a package arrives for me it is either dumped next to my mailbox or delivered to a neighbor's house.
Would it be too much an effort for them to drive down my driveway and deliver to my front front door? Obviously it must be!
move your postal box down to your house. they deliver mail to your mailbox...
• Replied to Packages delivered by USPS
Joey Wynes
Hi This is Krystal Rose White Perkins again! Me Matt and mom sold our brother out for a paycheck with debera f lee probate judge bloom Artis at ilegal services of medford oregon and the united stated just lets judge bloom keep cutting joe off his bank personal federal us and wells fargo on m,candrews account anbd says their sorry but theese asshole j dont g a sht or they'd fire j bloom get joe n atorney make j bloom fix his f up n lock j bloom up under uimbedding n opening a case#11430g6 under pergey lying under oath o n on ilegal paperwork by j-bloom(Simon Says go t a long walk off a short hanger you f crooked lying no right to e judge nore du actualy e do y job at work y tw t busy g out bljbs at work ben knobie bloom) under federal law?
Congradulations us post office!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've got mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! This Is Krystal Rose Perkins!(White)Im emailing the eurika california post office to let you know im going to be robbing you next week sometime shortly after midnight! there is probably lots of money in there and afterwords i-Krystal rose perkins am going to burn the post office down!Case F closed!But the real question is????????????? Got toilet paper dudes?????????????All you All F suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After checking the tracking on a package ordered from eBay,..Just wondering why you would send my package down the line to Arcata towards crescent city ca final destination, then only to have it sent back to your facility there in eureka, what the hell is that all about,, you guys just decide willy nilly, "oh f**k it Let's make em wait another day er so...he he he.. Dumb ass consumer"? Covid my arse! Get your s**t together Eureka California.
This is with concern to my complaint with Ref. 09159389 (missing delivery) . I received an email concerning my said complaint and Andrew Smith (delivery supervisor) remarks on my complaint say they investigate the issue and He said they cannot do anything about and i should file then from your office missing and stolen parcel. i unfair judgement . the problem with that parcel is that i cannot purchase it cause the 3 shoea are unavailable already. that is the last stock they have. and also who will be liable with the loss parcel and pay for it?
Amalia Baljon
1328 K street, Eureka CA, 95501
Infuriating isn't it!? I experienced something very similar recently.....and it sucks! But things always work out in the end, so chin up, and expect something good soon!!! (Just trying to spread a little optimism around!)
• Replied to Amalia Baljon
norcal 72
Great service, great people at USPS main on W Clark!!!
Got a complaint about my dog. Fox terrier. Maybe if my mail came at a consistent time I could make sure not to have my vicious dog out when they come. Dogs gotta go pee sometime! Smdh!!!
postal folks do a good job considering what they have to put up with and unleashed dogs that charge and attack them while they do their jobs is just one issue.
• Replied to Frank
Frugale F.
Sounds like you waited until the last minute, Debra. That is not anyone's fault, but your own. By the way, life IS unfair and if postponing your international trip is as bad as it gets for you, you are spoiled.
Helen at Eureka post office is rude and did not help when she could have. She wasted my time talking to a customer causing me the opportunity to apply for my passport which should have been done this day. I was there at 3:45 with my forms. I approached her at 3:52 and she still refused to honor my request to process application . Since this is the only place to get this done one more would not have been to much to ask..I had taken time off from work and drove all the way from Mckinleyville to do this .what a rude person not to allow me to get this started on this day. I am at risk of not getting my passport now. This is so unfair since I was at the post office at 3:45!! With the forms!!!