You need to do something about this post office! I have had so many problems with packages being delivered that now I track every thing. I went to p/u a package today and they said they didn't have it. I told them it was delivered to Show Low Sunday morning about 5:01 AM. They looked around and said they didn't have it. I got home and tracked the package again and your site said it was delivered today about 10 AM. I called the PO and told her what happened and asked her to track the number. She knew all about it and said it fell out of the PO Box and was laying on the floor and she didn't see it when she walked by it. You would think that would be the first place she would have looked. I live 35 miles, round trip, from the PO. So now there is another $20 for gas and an hour of my time. What kind of people do hire?
I've been a full-time RVer for 9 years and this is the most screwed up post office I've ever been to in my life. The postmaster is an absolutely nightmare. An abusive bully who everyone in town hates but no one will do anything about. I knew this about him before ever stepping foot in the place and a few weeks later witnessed him bellowing at the top of his lungs, all red-faced, and intimidating (he's huge -- gold chains...the works...looks like a gangster) a 70 year old woman. I could hear here from the other size of three doors. Absolutely unbelievable behavior. He looked like a deer in headlights when I walked in but was so wound up he could almost not choke back the rage but because I was there it dissolved and I never heard her speak a word. She was not arguing with him. He was talking about PO address and absolutely berating her. I reported him. Everyone's too afraid to say what they've seen...and so he remains. I stepped forward for the sake of that woman and every other woman in this valley and when I stood up to him when he acted like nothing ever happened he first pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about then finally said (And this offends YOU?!" Another customer witnessed this and I also recorded it on my phone. This guy has no business working with other human beings in any capacity. The locals say it's completely normal to hear screaming coming from the office when they go to pick up the mail. Would somebody please do something about this guy???? Call his employees and tell them you need the truth and promise them you won't throw them under the bus. End this. PLEASE.